Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

StarClan and Battle

A handsome grey tom stalked through the misty woods and out onto a fog coated moor. His nimble paws crunched down on frosty grass. The noise echoed around the moor, seemingly endless. The grey tom settled himself down on the cold ground and stared out over the cold night.
"Fogstar?" A white tom padded cautiously out of the trees.
"Whitedawn, you came." Fogstar meowed in a deep voice, standing and nodding his head in greeting. Whitedawn bowed low in response.
The bushes rustled and two small kits bundled out into the feild, their high pitched laughter spliting the air. Whitedawn winced, then smiled and laughed.
"Relax, kits." Fogstar meowed kindly, flicking the light ginger one to her paws.
"Runningkit, Lilykit, I told you to walk!" A white she-cat with radiant green eyes trotted out into visibility. She blinked, then blushed and ducked her head to Fogstar. She sat down beside Whitedawn, her pelt colored blending into his.
"I brought you here to discuss the fate of FogClan." Fogstar meowed quietly, as if there were enemies all around waiting for the slightest noise to pounce.
"What do you mean?" Whitedawn meowed. "Willowhe-I mean FogClan are strong enough to look after her-themselves!"
"I'm sure they are." Fogstar meowed coldly. "You know I was the first leader, right?"
Whitedawn blushed and ducked his head. "Yes, I know that."
"Good." Fogstar looked across the moorland. "Something terrible is coming. And only four can save us from it."
Barking split the night air. Smokekit lept to her feet, her neck fur bristling. She had been having a great dream. Another kit had come to play with her. She said her name was Runningkit. Runningkit said she had something important to tell Smokekit. She was just about to say it when the barking woke Smokekit up! She growled angrily.
"Run!" Spottedfur screeched. "Dogs!" She raced back through camp, followed by a huge dog, who swiped her up and threw her against a rock, dead.
Smokekit wailed and ran to her mother. "StarClan help us!" She yowled.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Nettlefrost padded thought out the forest. He kept repeating, "The one I hurt or the one I'm going to hurt."He couldn't decide. He sat down next to the traininghollow, where her hurt Ivypaw. Then he thought of the camp, where if he chose Ivypaw, Featherglow would be hurt. He looked at the stop where Ivypaw had broken her leg. He thought of the feelings Featherglow would have.Starclan help me!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Slipping Away and a Untold Story

Whitedawn woke to find a stary world around him. He looked around. "Willowheart!"He yelled and then saw a stary cat come forward."Hello young one, I am Hurriedstorm I am here to take you to StarClan." Hurriedstorm meowed. Whitedawn's mouth dropped. "No, no, no, no, I can't go! My sister needs me!" He meowed.Hurriedstorm put his tail on Whitedawn's shoulders."Its okay. Your sister will be safe with Rowanleap." He meowed and started the walk with Whitedawn to StarClan....

Little started running. Woodblaze shot after her. She slipped in mud and got up as fast as she could, now leaving a trail of mud behind her. Woodblaze followed the mud until her caught her. "Let me go!" Little meowed and struggled. Woodblaze hissed. "Not until you tell me what you where doing spying on our clan!" Little looked up."I wasn't spying!" She meowed. "I was watching!"

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Lazuli leaped onto Greystar. She growled at him, and raised a claw to kill. She lashed her paw over his throat, and he went limp. "We have won!" Lazuli jumped up to the Fog Tree. "Get them!" She yowled to her group. The cats surrounded the clan cats. "From this moment on, you will listen to me. And only me!"
Woodblaze raced back into camp to see Greystar limp, and the rouges surrounding his clan mates. He turned to Little. "You knew about this?" He asked.
Little tried to tell him no, but a rouge grabbed Woodblaze and shoved him with his clanmates. Little tried to catch his eye, but he wouldn't look towards her.
Deersong ran out. "I need to heal my clan mates!" She meowed.
"No." Lazuli growled. "You will heal my cats. And only my cats."
"Yes." Deersong meowed.
Lazuli turned to the clan. "From now on, I will be known as Lazuli, Supreme Leader, or Mistress. Take your pick." She pointed to random cats, which were Rowanleap, Flickerheart, Hazelstorm, and Acornclaw. "Go get food." she ordered. Then she looked at Sniper. "Go with them. Make sure they're doing the right thing. If they don't, you know what to do."
Sniper nodded and shoved the four cats out of the camp.
"You will all have new names." Lazuli called to the cats. "You shall be known as the first part of your name. Understood?" She watched the terrified cats nod. "Good." She meowed.