Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Lazuli leaped onto Greystar. She growled at him, and raised a claw to kill. She lashed her paw over his throat, and he went limp. "We have won!" Lazuli jumped up to the Fog Tree. "Get them!" She yowled to her group. The cats surrounded the clan cats. "From this moment on, you will listen to me. And only me!"
Woodblaze raced back into camp to see Greystar limp, and the rouges surrounding his clan mates. He turned to Little. "You knew about this?" He asked.
Little tried to tell him no, but a rouge grabbed Woodblaze and shoved him with his clanmates. Little tried to catch his eye, but he wouldn't look towards her.
Deersong ran out. "I need to heal my clan mates!" She meowed.
"No." Lazuli growled. "You will heal my cats. And only my cats."
"Yes." Deersong meowed.
Lazuli turned to the clan. "From now on, I will be known as Lazuli, Supreme Leader, or Mistress. Take your pick." She pointed to random cats, which were Rowanleap, Flickerheart, Hazelstorm, and Acornclaw. "Go get food." she ordered. Then she looked at Sniper. "Go with them. Make sure they're doing the right thing. If they don't, you know what to do."
Sniper nodded and shoved the four cats out of the camp.
"You will all have new names." Lazuli called to the cats. "You shall be known as the first part of your name. Understood?" She watched the terrified cats nod. "Good." She meowed.


  1. Little frowned.She raced after the rouge and Woodblaze."I'm sorry I didn't know."she hissed.

    Rowan hissed and started to hunt some of the prey

    Acorn opened him mouth to protest but closed it.

    Hollow looked at Hazel hopelessly in love.

    Moss followed Sniper.

    Still turned to Colt.A longing look in her eyes.She huddled Finchkit closer.

    Finchkit(With her awsome britsh acent) looked over at Coldpaw and blinked."Mama is he salf?"She asked

  2. Wood pushed the she-cat away and padded toward his friends.

    Flicker watched Rowan.

    Hazel sat next to Flicker.

  3. Little sighed.She went over to find her mother."Umm..hi mom.."She meowed

  4. Cloverheart stared at Little. "Little?" She asked in awe.

  5. Little nodded."Yup.."She meiowed remembering the painful moment of her leaving her mother and sisters.'Mom i want to stay!'she remembered yelling.Her mothers sad look of departion.Little turning her back and walking over to Lazuli, as if she was her mother.'too much..'she thought to her self

  6. Cloverheart shook her head. "I can't do anything to you now." She meowed. "You've won, and you're with your own clan mates." She turned away.

  7. Little opened her mouth to say she was sorry but closed it

  8. Cloverheart padded over to her other clan mates.


    Sniper pushed the four cats, weighed down with prey, into the camp. "We eat well tonight!" He meowed happily to Lazuli.

  9. Lazuli nodded."Let us feast."She meowed and nosed the tom over to Moss.

    Spotted looked at her mother and siblings longingly.Her stomach growled.

    Finch(With her british accent)waved to Cold

  10. Cold touched noses with Finch. He looked up at Lazuli, hatred in his eyes.

    Sniper tossed prey to his friends, then settled down to eat. One eye was still fixed on the clan cats.

  11. Lazuli glared at Cold.

    Finch wraped her tail neatly around her paws."Will we ever be free?"She meowed and turned around then padded over to her father and mother who gave her many hard licks on the head.

    Moss caught some prey."Score!"She yowled

  12. Cold held his gaze the the rouge leader's.

    Flamepelt shook his head. "I don't know." He meowed kindly to his kit.

    Sniper glanced over at Moss, and smiled.

  13. "I miss when everything was happy.."She mewoed

    Moss smiled and droped her prey.A drop of blood hit the ground, she shrugged.

  14. Flamepelt stiffened. "Me too." He meowed, giving a pointed look at Stillshine.

    Sniper laughed and brought his prey over to Moss. "How are you?" he asked.

  15. Stillshine looked at the ground guilty.

    Moss shrugged."Eh"She meowed."You wanna go the the pond with me"She was thinking of the pond sniper and lazuli fond her at.

  16. Flamepelt snorted and padded away.

    "Sure." Sniper meowed. He finished his mouse and stood up. "We're going out!" He called to Lazuli.

  17. Lazuli nodded.

    Moss followed carfuly.She ran when she saw the water that she loved so much and padded in.She went to the little water fall and put her head under.Some of the water driped of and made her curly pelt shimmer

  18. Sniper watched happily. "I see you like it here." He commented.

  19. Moss shrugged."I just like water."She meowed."I know its weird but my pelt just drips it off.My mom used to say that my father was like this and its only because of the curls in my pelt."She explained and dipped her head it once more."Its so cool."She meowed

  20. "Nice." Sniper nodded. "I'd rather stay up here."

  21. Moss padded out.Paw after paw until the falls where only touching the tip of her tail."Really?"She asked and splashed him."I think you would like it!"She meowed

  22. Sniper shook his head. "No thanks. My sister died in a river."

  23. Moss stepped put."Sorry Sniper."She meowed and lust tapped the water with her tail tip."I-i didn't know.."She meowed

  24. Sniper shrugged. "It's ok. It's not like it's tormenting me. I'd just rather not go in. And, even if it were tormenting me, it wouldn't be your fault."

  25. Moss nodded and jumped up."Come on lets go!"she meowed and licked his nose.She darted up a fence and then lept onto a house.She kept running up things until she got the a big pole and climbed up it.She then walked on the electrical wires.

  26. Sniper followed. He jumped over her, landing perfectly on the wires, and bounded to the next house.

  27. Moss roled her eyes.She carefuly jumped onto the same house.She started to clean her pelt

  28. Sniper smiled. He fluffed out his pelt as the first few drops of rain fell.

  29. Moss giggled and stuck out her toung trying to catch the rain.

  30. Sniper watched. He felt like a kit again, like he could do anything and not regret it. He stuck out his tongue, and felt icy cold water drip into his mouth. He purred, waving his tail back and forth.

  31. Moss walk over to Sniper."come on!"she yelled and brought him to the backyard of the house.This was where her mother lived

  32. Sniper jumped down into the garden. "What are we doing here?" he asked.

  33. "This is were my mother lives."She meowed and rubbed the door to see a young group of kittens not her mother

  34. "Oh ok." Sniper looked at the kittens. "Who are they?"

  35. Moss shock her head."I-i have no idea..."She meowed.Another cat went over to the kittens and shooed them back them slipped out side."Can i help you?"She asked

  36. Sniper glanced at Moss uncertainly.

  37. Moss stepped up."Hi I'm Moss, my mother Fiona lives here we'd like to speak to her."The she-cat shook her head."No,no,no Fiona died about 6 moons ago."She meowed.

  38. "What?" Sniper meowed, then pressed his fur to Moss'. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

  39. Moss nodded and padded away."Thanks anyways."She call to the she-cat.

  40. Sniper padded back toward the woods. "That's too bad about your mother." He meowed.

  41. Moss nodded."Thanks Sniper"She mowed

  42. "Any time." Sniper replied. He pounced lazily on a mouse, tossing it to Moss. "Here. You can have it."

  43. "Thanks."She grabbed it bite into it.

  44. Sniper watched Moss eat boredly. He licked his paw and drew it over his ear.

  45. Moss smiled.She flicked a bone at sniper.

  46. Sniper ducked and laughed. Then he grew serious again. "We'd better get back to camp." He meowed.

  47. Moss rolled her eyes."Whatever."She meowed and started back

  48. Sniper padded back to the camp. He nodded to Lazuli.

  49. Lazuli nodded."Took you long enogh."she snarled

  50. Sniper lashed his tail but didn't say anything.

    Willowheart struggled out of the medicine cat den.

  51. Rowanleap leaped toward Willowheart."Willowheart!"He meowed

  52. Willowheart touched noses with the tom, purring.

  53. Lazuli stalked over to the two.She grabbed Willowheart by the ear and dragged her o the leaders den

  54. Willowheart wailed. "No!" She screeched.

  55. Lazuli hissed."Get in there!"She yowled."How many mates are in this clan?How many cats have parents here?"She meowed thinking off ways to kill of all the mates and their offspring.

  56. "I don't have to tell you!" Willowheart meowed indignantly, meeting the grey and black she-cat's stare with cold blue eyes.

  57. "I will kill you unless you tell me.And all of your family and friends too."She meowed and flicked her tail to Rowannleap and Whitedawn."And make sure those too die slowly in front of your eyes."She treated

  58. "No!" Willowheart burst out. "Please, not Rowanleap. Kill me instead. Just let him live. I'll do anything, if only you were to spare his life."

  59. Lazuli hissed."he will die anyways.And you dont care about the white one?He seems to care for you."She tanted."Now tell me."She hissed

  60. Willowheart narrowed her eyes. "No. And not just for Rowanleap. Whitedawn matters as well."

  61. Lazuli shrugged."Moss!Sniper! Hold this one down!Its time for some sacrifices!"She yowled and ordered Rowanlea and Whitedawn if front of her.She got Little and another random cat hold them down.She drew a claw out and said to Willowheart."Tell me or they pay."She meowed

  62. "No!" Willowheart growled, not letting any panic show in her eyes.

  63. Lazuli shrugged."She drew her claw at Whitedawns throat.She dug it into his flesh."So Willow do you have anylast words for your brother?"She meowed

    Whitedawn coughed."Willow dont tell her!"he yowled

    Rowanleap nodded."We'll be fine!"He yowled

  64. Willowheart watched helplessly. "No!" She wailed. "Kill me instead! Please!"

  65. Lazuli shook her head."Nope."She said and dug her claw deeper

  66. "No!" Willowheart tried to rip herself from the cats' grip, but failed. "Whitedawn! I'm so sorry! I know you were just trying to protect me!" She wailed to her brother.

  67. Lazuli smiled as Willowheart screamed.She dug her claws deeper.

    "I-its ok-okay Will-Willow-he-heart."He maneged to cough out.His mangle voice didn't even sound like him.

  68. "NO!" Willowheart screamed in agony, watching her brother die in front of her. She wrenched herself away from her holders, knocking lazuli away from her brother. She curled up next to her brother. "No, no, no." She whispered.

  69. Lazuli smiled angerly."Oh young just made a big mistake."She whispered.She drew a L on the back of Willowhearts ear.She snicked

  70. Willowheart whimpered. She shrunk as Lazuli cut her.

  71. Lazuli laughed."Now tell me!"She yelled in Willowhearts ear

  72. "No." Willowheart meowed firmly. She turned to face Lazuli, exposing her stomach. "Kill me if you want, but I'll never tell you."

  73. "If i kill you your pain will be over in seconds, killing them means pain for life!"She meowed and started to cut open Whitedawns stomack carefully and slowly.

  74. Willowheart knocked Lazuli away from Whitedawn, slashing at the she-cat, her eyes blazing with fury.

  75. Lazuli grabbed onto Willowheart and Pinned her down."Know you want me to kill the Ginger one!"She meowed and got stronger cats to pin her down then started on Rowanleap

    Rowanleap."Willowheart just stay there!"He yowled"NEVER TELL HER!"He meowed

  76. Willowheart felt as though she was being ripped in half. "Wait!" She screeched. "I'll tell you!"

  77. Lazuli stalked over."Tell mne."She meowed.

    Rowanleap yowled;"Willowheart dont!I rater die then half the clan!"He meowed"I dont want you to die!"

  78. Willowheart glanced at Rowanleap, then turned back to Lazuli. She took a deep breath, then leaped at the she-cat, kicking dust into her face. Then she leaped at the cats holding Rowanleap. She lashed them away from Rowanleap. "Help me!" She screeched. She jumped out of the den. "FogClan! Attack!" She turned around and leaped on Lazuli again.

    Swiftsong heard the yowl and pricked up. She raked her claws over the dusty ground, and sprang at a rouge. She was the first one to attack. The rest of the clan followed suit.

  79. Rowanleap leapt at her."You've ruined our clan enough!"He meowed.

  80. Willowheart raked her claws along Lazuli's pelt.

  81. Lazuli screeched."Get off of me!Get off me now!"She sceeched.

    Moss watched in horror."Sniper I'm leaving!"She yowled to the tom and fought her way out of the camp

  82. "No!" Willowheart leaped onto Lazuli's back. "Not until you let my clan go!"

    Sniper watched helplessly as Moss left. Then he raced after her.

  83. Lazuli rolled herself up in a ball."It will all be better. It will all be better."She whispered to herself.

    Moss turned when she heard paw steps behind her."Get aw-"She stopped when she saw it was Sniper"Oh its just you."She meowed

  84. Willowheart picked Lazuli up by the scruff. She took pity on the cat and lay her at the entrance to camp. She turned to the clan. "FogClan has won!" She watched the rouges race by her. Then she nuzzled Lazuli to her feet. "Go." She whispered kindly. "Find a good home. Break up the rouge group. You know what's right." Then she nudged the she-cat away into the forest.

  85. Lazuli nodded and raced off she headed toward a lake she rembered when she was a kit.

  86. Willowheart turned to Rowanleap. She purred and nuzzled the tom.

  87. Rowanleap winked.Then her remembered Whitedawn.

  88. Willowheart reembered too. She raced to the leaders' den. "No, no, no!" She crouched down next to the body.

  89. Riverpel came out of the Elders den and looked at Willowheart."Its okay, Starclan wanted this for himIt was for the good of the clan."He meowed and looked down at his son.

  90. Willowheart whimpered, then pushed her nose into the fur of her brother.

    Pearlmoon padded up to the elders' den. She stared at her kit for a few seconds, then settled down next to Willowheart to mourn. She cried silently.

  91. Riverpelt grabbed the scruff of his son and dragged him out.He placed him in the middle of camp.

  92. Willowheart and Pearlmoon followed, each sitting down again next to Whitedawn's body.

    Swiftsong pulled Cloverheart's body over next to Whitedawn's.

    Tinypaw and Smallpaw raced to their mother. "No!" Tinypaw screeched. She wailed and flung herself next to her mother. Smallpaw settled down, too, though she was quieter.

    Springfeather managed to drag herself to the middle of the clearing, wailing in agony. Then she passed out.

  93. Little stayed outside of camp."My mothers dead."She said."And im in love."she then meowed and stood there panting.

    Nettlefrost raced to his sister and brought her to the medacine cats den.

    Sootpath followed her mother and sister.She stood there holding back the tears she exscepted not to come.

  94. Woodblaze padded over to the other cats.

    Springfeather moaned.

    Deersong stared at Springfeather for a moment, before grabbing cobwebs and covering the wounds.

    Creamheart pressed herself against Sootpath's pelt.

  95. Sootpath felt like drawing a claw over the body of her brothers killer."Willowheart who was it?"She asked flewing her claws

  96. "Lazuli." Willowheart meowed.

  97. Sootpath flewed her claws.She waited for her sister to say its not a good idea and started walking.

  98. "There's no point!" Willowheart meowed. "She's long gone by now. Besides, it's not her fault. She was half insane."

  99. Sootpath sat down.She gave her brother one last lick."If you weren't his favorite this wouldn't have happened"She meowed with an angry glare.

  100. "What?" Willowheart growled. "You're seriously blaming this on me?"

  101. Sootpath growled and didn't answer.

  102. Willwheart flicked her tail.

    ~~NEXT DAY~~

    Willowheart watched as the elders carried the bodies of Whitedawn and Cloverheart out of camp. She pressed herself against rowanleap, basically leaning on him.

  103. Rowanleap almost fell but got up.He staired at his enimy, Whitedawn. He licked Willowhearts nose.

    Little had slept outside of the camp.She peered in ever now and then

  104. Willowheart wailed softly as Whitedawn's tail tip disappeared.

  105. Little looked in.She noticed somecat looking at her and stoped looking.

  106. Woodblaze padded out of the camp. "What are you doing here?" he hissed at Little.

  107. Little turned in shock.She turned back around and shot out.She ran as fast as she could
