Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Greystar Returns

Greystar padded into the camp, his camp.
"Hi Greystar!" Spottedfur called.
Greystar nodded to her and leaped onto the Fog Tree. He let out a yowl. "I'm back!" he announced. "I'm glad to say that I've returned from my trip. It was successful, and I now have my nine lives!" He listened to the cheers happily.
A cat shot out of the bushes. It was Lazuli! Greystar yowled. "What are you doing here?"
"I want revenge!" Lazilu growled. "And I plan to get it!" She hissed, and a line of cats entered the clearing. "Attack!"


  1. Silverfang locked himself in battle with Sniper, the new deputy.

    Sniper tried to slash Silverfang's nose, but was caught by the tom's blow to the ear.

    Roeflight fought a rouge. She was hit around the head, and thrown into the shadows of the clearing.

    Hawkgaze fought bravely beside Creekspirit.

    Hazelstorm and Spottedfur fought side by side.

    Quickflight stayed close to the nursery.

    Victor yowled and threw himself at a rouge, Colt by his side.

    Hollywing fought next to Flickerheart.

    Woodblaze scratched at a rouge.

    Featherglow growled and lashed her tail at a rouge. She was about to attack when another rouge grabbed her by her back and knocked her out.

    Cloverheart raced toward camp, prey in her jaws. She had heard fighting.

    Springfeather and Swiftsong fought, slashing at a rouge at the same time.

    Cherrysong wailed from the nursery. Her kits were coming.

    Willowheart fought next to Rowanleap.

    Creamsong fought with her sister, Sootpath.

    Pearlmoon padded into the elders' den. "Come on. We need to get to the Fog Tree!"

    Flamepelt yowled and threw himself at a rouge.

    Ivypaw padded out of the apprentices' den to be bowled over by a full grown rouge.

    Smallpaw and Tinypaw fought together, but were separated by a rouge.

    All the other apprentices fought. (too lazy to say them specially)

    Despite her kits, Rose fought out of the den.

    "Go mommy!" Spring yowled.

  2. Greystar ran at Lazuli."Get out."He hissed in her ear.

    Weedflicker fought with Woodblaze."Get back."She hissed then jumped over to another rouge leaving Woodblaze with Little.

    Skylight was panicking.She yowled,and wailed in terror.

    Blossomheart looked at Deersong and Sedgebreeze."Guy!I think thats Cherrysong!"She meowed and pointed to the nursery.

    Acornclaw was fighing with a random rouge.

    Vixenpelt growled."Silverfang!"She called to her mate.

    Rowanleap let Willowheart fight until Whitedawn came over and hissed:"Get away from Willowheart you dirt-bag."Rowanleap hissed and stalked away fast to go fight a random rouge.

    Nettlefrost ran over to Ivypaw."Ivypaw!"He yowled."He hissed and the rouge's ear."Fight someone your own size!"

    Sootpath clawed at a rouges ear."Creamsong!"She hissed"Pay more attention!"She hissed

    Whitedawn then looked at Willowheart."Go too the elders den with dad and stay safe."He meowed.

    Poncepaw looked at Hidenpaw."Fight harder you wuss."

    Bumblepaw guarded the nursery."Get back Summer!"he meowed to his crush.

    Freezepaw fought with Coldpaw."We should get back!We don't know who to fight!"She mewoed

    Stillshine tryed to get Finchkit and the other kits back.She wanted to stop loving Col and she was trying.

    Finchkit looked at her father fighting.

    Hollowmouse would fight but did not for the sake of Roseflight.He watched Hazelstorm with intresset.

    Moss nuzzled Sniper quickly and darted for Quickflight.

    Little looked at her sisters.Her one blind eyes clouded some of the vison.

    Jasper licked Kittys check.

    Tigress looked at Flower."Okay your good!"She mewoed after Flower had hurt her pads.

    Fog nuzzled Flower

  3. Woodblaze yowled at Little. He growled. "Why are you here, fighting against your own kin?"

    Deersong nodded. She raced to the queen. "Push. Now!"

    Cherrysong wailed and a tortoiseshell kit was born.

    Silverfang broke away from Sniper to help Vixenpelt.

    Willowheart turned on her brother. "What was that for?" She asked. "You're such an idiot! You're always bossing me around! I can deal by myse-" She was cut off as a rouge slammed her against a rock. She passed out, blood trickling from her forehead.

    Hazelstorm did her signature move, a high twist and kick.

    Flower purred. "Thanks."

  4. Little hissed."Because Lazuli's right, your clan is evil."She meowed

    Whitedawn ran to Willowheart."Willowheart!"He yowled and picked his isster by the neck and brouther her to the medacine cats den.

    Hollowmouse smiled then went blank faced as thje battle contiued

  5. "How come? How are we evil?" Woodblaze asked.

    Deersong purred. "Again!"

    Cherrystar yowled. This time is was a smokey grey she-cat.

  6. "When Bluesun was alive she said so."she mewoed.

  7. "So?" Woodblaze meowed. "Just because ONE cat said it doesn't mean it's true!"

    Cherrysong pushed and a third kit was born. This time it was a grey tabby tom.

  8. Little shugged."You believe in what you think, I believe in what i think!"She meowed and ran at him.

  9. Woodblaze was ready. With the time he had wasted talking, he had built up his strength. He flipped the small she-cat over and pinned her easily.

    "Get Smokeclaw." Cherrysong meowed.

    Deersong nodded and turned to Sedgebreeze. "You can do that, right?"

  10. Little faut to get out but failed(AT LIFE).She hissed.

    Sedgebreeze nodded when she saw Smokeclaw she ran back to Deersong with her."Heres Smokeclaw!"she meowed.

    Smokeclaw smiled to the kits."Cherrysong there beautiful!"He meowed

  11. (lol)

    Woodblaze growled. "Not so special not, huh?"

    Cherrysong purred. "Yes, they are."

  12. Little sighed."No.."she whispered.

    "Do you have names?"He asked

  13. "I thought not." Woodblaze sunk his claws deep into the cat's shoulders, then let her go.

    Cherrysong purred. "That's why I wanted you here." She looked down. "What about for the tortoiseshell?"

  14. Little got up after a wail and stared at Woodblaze."Where are Tiny and Small?"She meowed.

    "Spottedkit."He meowed

  15. "Tinypaw and Smallpaw." Woodblaze corrected. "They're fighting. Against your friends."

    "That's nice." Cherrysong meowed. "And how about Smokekit for the grey one. Like you."

  16. Little hissed."Of course.They were always soft-hearted!"she growled

    "Perfect you name the last one."He meowed

  17. Woodblaze rolled his eyes. "I have no business here." He meowed. "I'll be going."

    Cherrysong purred and licked each of her kits' heads.

  18. Little hissed."Whatever"She meowed and ran over to her sisters.

    "Cherrysong!The name for the tom name him."He meowed

  19. Tinypaw yowled and slashed out at Little, unaware that the cat was her sister.

    Smallpaw joined in.

    "I know!" Cherrysong meowed. "I'm thinking...Stripekit."

  20. Little Yowled hoping her sister would rember her voice."Small,Tiny its me!"She meowed pain griping her shoulder.

    Smokeclaw nodded."Both beutilful names."He meowed and nuzzled her,Stripekit,Smokekit and Spottedkit.

  21. Tinypaw jumped back. "I'm Tinypaw now, and she's Smallpaw." She meowed. "What do you want?"

    Cherrysong smiled. "You'd better go back out there." She sighed. "I'll protect the kits."

  22. "Don't you two remember me?"She meowed."I'm your sister!"She meowed

    Smokeclaw nodded and raced out.

    Sedgebreeze looked at Deersong."Willowhearts hurt!'She meowed

  23. "I know that, stupid!" Tinypaw snapped. "Now get out before I kill you!"

    Deersong growled. "Let's go!" She ran out, bumping into Roawnleap. "Rowanleap." She meowed. "Willowheart is hurt. Find her and bring her to the medicine cat den. Now!"

  24. Little hissed and ran to the entrace of camp.She breathed deeply.

    "Whitedawn has her their in your den."He meowed and started fighting."Wait?Willowhearts hurt!"He meowed and raced to Deeersongs den.

  25. Deersong raced to the medicine cat den. She looked over the she-cat.

    Willowheart moaned. She blinked her eyes open, but could barely keep awake. She fell back into unconsciousness.

  26. Rowanleap tryed to lick Willowhearts face but Whitedawn doged in front of him."Get away from willowheart."Whitedawn hissed.

    Little looked through her one working eye and saw Woodblaze.She grabbed him by the tail with her tail and dragged him out of camp.

  27. Deersong pushed both toms away. "Guard the den." she ordered. She turned back to Willowheart. "She's barely breathing." She meowed to Sedgebreeze.

  28. Woodblaze yowled. He managed to wiggle free, but they were deep in the woods. "What the-?"

  29. Rowanleap growled and stalked out.

    Whitedawn shook his head."No,not when she's hurt."

    Sedgebreeze grabbed some herbs.

    Little hissed in discus."Okay I am, oddly, attractived to you."he blurted out.Then covered her mouth

  30. "Out." Deersong ordered, growling. "Or I'll let Rowanleap rip you to pieces. I can see that he would like to."

    Woodblaze widened his eyes. "R-really?"

  31. Whitedawn growled and stalked out."You better stay away from her."He warnded Rowanleap.

    Little hesitated."Well, yes,sorta,yes?I dont know!"She meowed and sat down.

  32. Deersong grabbed cobwebs and put them over the wound. She lashed her tail. "I don't know what else I can do." She meowed. "I guess she's in the paws of StarClan."

    Woodblaze licked his tail. "Thanks for mangling it, by the way." he meowed angrily.

  33. "Sorry..."Little meowed and rolled her eyes."But yes i do like you."She mepowed and shrugged.

  34. Woodblaze sighed. "I really should get back."
