Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Monday, May 27, 2013

After the Battle

After the battle, many cats died. There were more wars and deaths. Finally, the FogClan cats, or what remained of them, were able to prevail. The current leader had died, so Silverfang rose to the occasion. He took the role of the leader and is trying to return his clan to the empire it once was.


  1. Everfang was just waking up, the morning son hurt her eyes for a moment. She got up and sliped out of the warrior den and made way outside, only a few cats were up. She sat down near the freash kill pile to eat while she made plans for hunting and border partols.

    Spottedfeather was up already, going though her piles of leaves.

    Poncetail is asleep.

    Vixenheart is gazing in the apprentice den watching her kits sleep peacefuly.

    Rowanleap sat washing Willowhearts coat.

    Nettlefrost smiled at Skitterkit and Ivystrike.

    Freezefern is guarding the camp.

    Brighteye sat quietly eating a small mouse.

    Reedspots rolled his eyes at a joke Autumnglow told.

    Turtlepaw is sleeping

    Sedgepaw is outside eating a magpie.

    Finchfrost waddles around with her pregnant self.

    Stillshine and Little are sleeping.

  2. Silverstar sighed and watched his clan. He looked over at the apprentices' den and noticed Vixenheart peering in. He laughed and jumped down from the Fog Tree, which was covered in scrapes from the past battles. "You know," he meowed, coming up behind his mate, "they aren't going to jump up and run away the second you take your eyes off of them."

    Coldclaw sat in a shady corner of the camp. He shifted his pale green eyes around, watching everyone silently.

    Hawkgaze woke slowly, yawning. He stood up and stretched, then turned to look at his only daughter. He sighed. 'She looks so much like her mother,' he thought.

    Cherrysong shifted in her sleep.

    Smokestreak woke up. She stood and shook herself, sending pieces of moss flying off of her fluffy grey fur.

    Stripeclaw laughed as well.

    Autumnglow smiled at the two toms, her best friends.

    Summerbreeze trotted over to Autumnglow, Stripeclaw, and Reedspots. "Hi!" She purred.

    Springstep and Winterwing slept side by side, just as they did as kits.

    Stormclaw padded over to his sister. "You know, you have to send out the patrols." He reminded her.

    Lightstep sat down next to her sister. "hi," she meowed. "How are you doing?"

    Creekwind slept soundly.

    Palespot was out in the forest. She raced through the misty trees, her long legs stretching out in front of her.

    Flamepaw slept.

    Flashpaw slept.

    "Mom, mom! Wake up!" Skitterkit exclaimed, jumping on top of Ivystrike.

    Ivystrike slowly woke up, yawning. "Get off," she mumbled.

    Willowheart purred and look up at her mate. She felt her kits kick her softly. She smiled. SHe was glad that she could share her life with Rowanleap, her love.

  3. Vixenheart turned her head quickly. "I know,' she said matter-a-factually to Silverstar, "But they could, all four of them, if they really wanted too.'

    Finchfrost looked over at Coldclaw and walked over to him. She smiled and sat down.

    Poncetail woke up shortly after his father. "Dad, do you want to get some fresh kill or try hunting?" He asked

    Reedspots smiled too Summerbreeze. "Why hello Doll." He said in the most she-cat-y voice he could, useing the Nickname he had given her moons ago.

    Everfang rolled her eyes, "Yes, I know Stormclaw, I'm thinking." She snaped, "You wanna help?" She asked.

    Brighteye peered at Lightstep though the corner of her eye. "Eating" She said simply, then nosed they prey to her sister.

    Nettlefrost walked over to Ivystrike and Skitterkit. "Darling, let's leave Mommy to sleep, you and me can play, alright."

  4. "But they won't. You know that." Silverstar licked Vixenheart's cheek.

    Coldclaw blinked and turned to face Finchfrost. "Hello." He purred, giving a rare smile.

    Hawkgaze turned to his son. "We will have to ask Everfang about that, won't we." He meowed without smiling.

    Summerbreeze rolled her eyes. "Hello, Reedspots." She sat down, curling her tail over her paws. "So, what were you guys talking about?"

    "Oh no, I don't want to bother you." Stormclaw sat. He sat down and was silent for a moment. "Can I lead a patrol?" He finally blurted out. "I know I did yesterday, and the day before that, but I really want to go on one today!"

    Lightstep sighed. "Ok."

    "Alright, daddy!" Skitterkit jumped off of Ivystrike and padded over to her dad.

    Ivystrike smiled to her mate thankfully.

  5. Vixenheart smiled and continued watching the sleeping apprentices.

    Finchfrost felt a small hint of pain. "Hey Coldclaw? What if I told you the kits were coming right now?"

    Poncetail make a face in agreement.

    "Autumnglow here was just telling some terrible jokes." Reedspots said with a roll of his eyes.

    "Oh great Starclan Stormclaw." Everfang said. "Can't you just go on one and pretend to be leading? I've let you lead patrols, how many times this moon? Like ten?"

    Brighteye kept her gaze low.

    Nettlefrost smiled back and let Skitterkit climb on him.

  6. "I would freak out!!" Coldclaw jumpd up. "Ill get Spottedfeather." He raced to the med cat den. "Spottedfeather!" He called. "Finchfrost is having her kits!!!"

    "Hey, you were laughing at them!" Autumnglow exclaimed with a fake shocked expression.

    "But the moon only started five sunrises ago." Stormclaw meowed.

    Palespot leaped over a large fallen branch, her paws stretched out in front of her. She landed hard, and gasped in pain. "Ouch!" She exclaimed softly.

  7. Finchfrost sat and held it in, waiting for instructions.

    Spottedfeather's head snapped up from her leaves. "She is?" She asked. "Okay I need you to get her too the nursery, we don't need any chaos, so keep it quite." She grabbed started to grab leaves from her piles.

    Reedspots looked surprised. "I," He started, "Was not, on any circumstances, laughing at your jokes." He pointed to Stripeclaw, "Your boyfriend though, was."

    "Exactly!" Everfang said. "Okay you can go on one but you can't lead." She meowed. "Go with Coldclaw, Flashpaw and Flamepaw." She meowed

    Snake heard a 'ouch' and looked down from a tree he was in, like a snake her climbed down. "Hello." He said polightly.

  8. "Ok." Coldclaw meowed. He walked quickly back to Finchfrost, trying to stay quiet. "We need to get you to the nursery." He meowed. He heard his name. " I have to?" He asked, padding over to Everfang.

    "Well, you were yesterday." Autumnglow said angrily. She cuffed Reedspots' ears.

    Stormclaw sighed.

    Palespot jumped, and another shot of pain jumped up her leg. "Who are you?" She asked, a hint of fear in her voice.

  9. Finchfrost nodded. She waddled over to the nursery only to find a sleeping Ivystrike. She felt more pain and clamped her mouth shut.

    Spottedfeather grabbed the leaves and hurried to Silverstar. "Fhinshfost shis hasing jer lits" She said thought the leaves. She raced to the nursery.

    "Hey, hey, hey, just kidding, just kidding." He meowed and smiled.

    "Yeah, Coldfrost you kinda do." Everfang said, raising her eyebrow in question.

    "Snake's the name, don't wear it out." He said and smiled. "Um, so what up with the ows?" he asked

  10. Silverstar nodded calmly.

    Autumnglow sighed. "So, anyone up for a hunt?"

    "Ok," Coldclaw sighed. With one last look at the nursery, he left with Stormclaw and the others.

    "Nothing, I just tripped." Palespot raised her head proudly. "Besides, it's none of your business. You-" she faltered. "You shouldn't even be here."

  11. Vixenheart turned her head to Silverstar. "What's happening?"

    Finchfrost moved over to Ivystrike and softly probed her with her paw.

    Everfang smiled kindly.

    "Are you sure?" Snake asked, "You ran past your 'clans' border a while ago." He said with a smile.

  12. Reedspots got up quickly. "Yes! Lets go guys!" He motioned Autumnglow, Stripeclaw and Summerbreeze.

  13. "Finchfrost is having her kits." Silverstar replied calmly.

    "Um, I'm going to stay here." Summerbreeze meowed.

    "Me to." Stripeclaw agreed.

    "You two are so lazy. Come on Reedspots, lets go." Autumnglow laughed and padded toward the camp exit.

    Palespot's eyes widened as she realized that she had no idea where she was. "Umm...I'm sure I can find my way back." She turned around and began to pad away, but she fell as she put her paw to pressure.

  14. "Oh." Vixenheart said nodding.

    "Lameos" Reedspots mumbled and chuckled as he ran after Autumnglow.

    "Wrong way." Snake meowed. "And you are most definitely hurt."

  15. Ivystrike woke up and turned over. "What's up?"

    Autumnglow smiled as she raced through the woods. "Let's visit the waterfall." She suggested.

    Palespot sighed. "Fine, show me the way back."

  16. "Kits. Now. Get. Out." Finchfrost hissed though clenched teeth, just as Spottedfeather burst though they entance.

    "Move along Ivystrike!" Spottedfeather yelled at the older she-cat.

    Reedspots smiled. "Yeah, okay." He raced after her.

    Snake smiled. He started walking, Palespot following behind. "So what's your name anyway, I've seen you around, been curious." He meowed polightly, but with a hint of slyness.

  17. "Ok, ok!" Ivystrike meowed and walked out of the den to join Nettlefrost and Skitterkit.

    Autumnglow ran to the waterfall and stopped to admire the rushing water. "It's beautiful." She commented.

    Palespot didn't respond. She was too scared and nervous that she would give something away. She hissed in pain as her paw hit a tree root. She fell and tried to get up, but couldn't.

  18. "Yup. Like someone else I know." Reedspots meowed, keeping his eyes on the falls.

    "Wow. No answer and you're kinda falling down." Snake leaned down and grabbed her by the scruff. "Okay, I can't carry you back too you clan camp-y thing, you just go with it and come with me. K?"

  19. Autumnglow's ears pricked. "Who?" She asked curiously.

    Palespot sighed. She had no other choice. "Fine." She meowed.

    After the patrol, Coldclaw sprinted into camp and into the nursery. "How is she?" He asked Spottedfeather, who was standing in front of Finchfrost.

  20. "Oh, you wouldn't know her." Reedspots said slyly.

    Snake dragged Palespot to his home. A small, abandon two-leg house under ground (Its a basement!) He laid her in a bed of soft moss. "Jade!" He called and suddenly a grey tabby she-cat appeared from another part of the two-leg house.

    "She's fine. Lucky tom you are Coldclaw. Easy birth, healthy kits, two fine she-cats you got." Spottedfeather meowed. "Finchfrost is sleeping, but those kits are awake. Finchfrost has some herbs to eat when she wakes up, I'm going back to my den if you'll excuse me." Spottedfeather walked out of the nursery.

  21. "Oh, are you in a relationship with someone outside of the clan? You could get in big trouble." Autumnglow meowed.

    Palespot shook herself and managed to stand up. She looked warily at the she-cat.

    "Great!" Coldclaw looked in at the kits. He purred.

  22. "Nah. Wouldn't do that, that'd be stupid as Dark Forrest." Reedspots turned smiling to her.

    Jade nodded. Snake turned to Jade. "Clan cat, I'm just going to call you Clannie considering you won't tell me your name, this is Jade. I've lived here with her almost forever. I like her but she just tolerates me. Anyway, she can heal real well and takes care of most the cats in this dumb forest. Right Jade?" Jade nodded and walkd over, sitting down next to Palespot, he jade eyes gleaming. "What happened?" She asked simply. Snake watched from afar.

    Finchfrost became to stir. She looked down at the kits not even noticing Coldclaw.

  23. "Well tell me, now I want to know!" Autumnglow meowed.

    "Um, I tripped." Palespot meowed quietly.

    "Hello, darling" Coldclaw purred.

  24. Reedspots suddenly licked Autumnglow's cheek. "Hey, you wanted to know." He meowed with a shrug.

    Jade nodded. "How badly did it hurt? Any past ingeries in that spot?"

    "Oh, hey Coldclaw." Finchfrost meowed in a quiet voice. She looked at the kits. "Aren't they wonderful?" She asked unable to get rid of her smile.

  25. If cats could blush, Autumnglow would of. "Im glad that it wasn't someone else," she smiled.

    "A lot and once when I was an apprentice I twisted it." Palespot mewed.

    "Yes, they are." Coldclaw agreed. "Should we name them?"

  26. Reedspots smiled. Then ran toward the water, jumping head first. He swam up to the top and laughed, knowing he must have gotten Autumnglow off guard.

    "Okay then, let me get my healing things and we'll get started." Jade dissipeared again. Leaving Snake and Palespot.

    Snake walked over to Palespot. "So Clannie, what is your name?" He asked again.

    Finchfrost motioned to a kit that looked like her, but hadn't gotten any stripes yet. "I want to name her Sunkit. If you saw her eyes before you would know why. They were this beautiful, bright yellow." Finchfrost meowed.

  27. Autumnglow jumped in after him.

    Palespot hissed.

    "Perfect. And this grey beauty will be Mistkit." Coldclaw flicked his tail toward the silvery-grey she-cat.

  28. "Auntumnglow!" Reedspots exclaimed. "You know how to swim too?" He asked.

    Snake just rolled his eyes. Then Jade came back. She carried a bundle of leaves and a hard looking thingy. "She put the leaves in front of Palespot and said, "Eat." She then snatched up some of the extra bedding and put that in a pile. She put the hard thingy on Palespots leg, after stuffing some moss into the bottom, then stuffed the extra space, because it was loose fitting. with moss.

    Finchfrost smiled. "They're great names." She mewoed

  29. "Oh, yes," Autumnglow smiled, glad that he didn't know something about her.

    Palespot cautiously ate the leaves.

  30. "That's amazing! Thought i was the only one!" He exclaimed happy.

    Snake pointed to himself. "Oh and I made your cast if you were wondering." He said mildly bitterly.

  31. Autumnglow smiled and splashed Reedspots with her tail.

    Palespots rolled her eyes. "You are so full of it," she muttered.

  32. Reedspots smiled mischievously. "Oh it's on sister." He meowed before diving into the water pulling her under with him. (Then some things happen.... LOL JK)

    "Am not." Snake said. "I did make it. Since you're so un-trusting I thought you would have liked to know what it was. In fact I'll even tell you whats it made out off. Clay, and plant fibers and some mud. No poison. I promise Clannie."

    Autumnglow jumped out of the water a while later and shook herself off. She smiled back at Reedspots, who was climbing out behind her.

    Palespot ignored him.

  34. "Sorry Auntumnglow. I wanted to see if you could reach the bottom without drowning and if it was possible to dig in sand under water, annnnd to see if you could splash someone under water." Reedspots smiled apologetically.

    When Jade had finished, she stepped back to examine. "Well you can go back to your clan, or stay here for a day or two. Truthful option two would be better, but its what you want." She said without smiling.

  35. "Ha!" Autumnglow laughed.

    "I'm leaving." She began to walk out. She paused and turned back. "The name's Palespot." She swiveled around and ran off, ignoring the pain in her leg.

  36. "Hey don't laugh at me. That isn't nice!" He mewoed with mock winniness.

    "Palespot." Snake said quietly. He turned to Jade and opened his month. "Just go, Snake." Jade meowed and turned to the next Palespot had been in and curled up. Snake brightened and ran after Palespot.

  37. "Come on, we had better go back to camp." Autumnglow meowed.

    Palespot crossed the border and slowed down.

  38. Snake raced so face he didn't notice that he had past Pakespot.

  39. Palespot wandered around the forest, making her way back to camp.

  40. Reedspot noticed he must have past her. 'She cant run that fast with a leg like that!' He hissed to himself. He suddently found himself yelling her name. "Palespot! Palespot!"

  41. Autumnglow pricked her ears. "Who is that?" She asked Reedspots. She heard a voice, a voice she didn't know, calling out to Palespot. "Let's go." She meowed and raced off in the direction of the voice.

    Palespot was too far away to hear.

  42. "Whoever it is they're about to run into the wroug sibling." He hissed racing harder.

  43. Autumnglow raced into the clearing with the cat in it and pounced, growling. "What are you doing on FogClan territory?" she hissed.

  44. "And what are you doing calling my sisters name?" Reedspots hissed.

    Snake stared dumbfonded at them.

  45. "Come on, speak!" Autumnglow growled.
