Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here under Fog Tree for a clan meeting!"Cherrystar meowed and cats started to gather all nine kits came tumbling over with there mothers."Pearlmoon had her kits!She had six but one sadly died.The other five have been named Creamkit,Ivykit,Sootkit,Willowkit and Whitekit."She meowed and pointed to the kits."Last night Sedgepaw received her her medacine cat name Sedgebreeze."Sedgebreeze smiled and licked her chest embarrassed."New-Leaf is on its way and the clan is getting bigger, that also means more prey."She meowed and smiles came from all cats young or old.



  1. Cherrystar padded over to her den. She watched Riverpelt and his mate, jealousy flaring within her.

    Deersong purred. "Congrats." She meowed.

  2. Riverpelt smiled to Pearlmoon."i have to go talk to Cherrystar,its time Flickerpaw to become a warrior."He meowed and padded over to her, only to be aropted by a group of cats.

    Sedgebreeze when through her herbs with Deersong besides her.She stared out into the starry night.

    Creekspirit lied down in the sun by the river.The sun making her grey pelt seem white.

    Greyfur watched quickflight and smiled.

    Weedflicker looked at silverfang ans smiled thinking'mabey him and i could be more than friends...'she shook her head.'my duty is too the clan not to him'

    Bluesun,her sister Skylight and her mate Smokeclaw came into a camp."Hello!I'm Bluesun, this is Skylight and this is my mate Smokeclaw!"She yelled giving a look to all she-cats thinking'you'd better not touch him it?'

    Stillpaw hissed."Go away this is our home."she callled

    Vixenpaw flciked her tail.'do they have to make so much noise?'she wondered then whispered that too woodpaw.

    Acornpaw sat ijn the fog tree.

    Blossomheart hissed and broght her kits into the nursery.

    Rowankit and Nettlekit hissed like ther mother and padded into the nursery

    Whitekit looked at his sister."Come on Willowkit lets go."And he padded inside.

    Sootkit looked at Creamkit."Lets see what the warriors do.Shall we?"She meowed

    Hollowmouse was at the back of the camp.He watched Sktlight.'i dont like her.'he thought

  3. Pearlmoon nodded.

    Cherrystar sighed, then saw Riverpelt walking towards her. She stood and licked herself clean.

    Hawkgaze went over to sit by Creekspirit.

    Quickflight limped out of the medicine cat den and padded over to the fresh kill pile.

    Silverfang's ears pricked. He padded over to Weedflicker. "Hi." He meowed evenly. (he has never thought of being a mate)

    Cherrystar padded over to the cats. "I am Cherrystar, leader of FogClan. What do you seek?" She said before giving Stillpaw a sharp look.

    Woodpaw nodded, agreeing.

    Hollypaw's ears pricked and she went to see what was going on.

    Springkit followed her family, Swiftkit coming a little slower.

    Willowkit looked at the stuff going on, then sighed. "Ok."

    Creamkit nodded. "We shall."

    Arrowgaze eyed the cats with hostility.

  4. Creekspirt smiled."Hello Sweetheart."she meowed

    Weedflicker smiled."Hi umm...Silverfang."She meowed(LOL really?)

    "We are looking for a clan!"Bluesun meowed

    Skylight stayed quit though her heart did not.Her eyes rested on Arrowgaze.

    Smokeclaw smiled.Then he looked at Cherrystar his eyes Filled with bunnys and hearts.

  5. Hawkgaze purred.

    "What do you think of these cats?" Silverfang asked. (yep)

    "Alright, you are welcome here." Cherrystar meowed.

    Arrowgaze glared back at the she-cat. But her piercing blue eyes made him look away.

    (lol luv da bunnies & hearts =D)

  6. "Havent meet then so i can't say, bljuesun looks crazy,Skylight looks deicate and Smokeclaw just looks like one of us,but the she-cats look like somthing else."She meowed

    "Dose that mean we have joined?"Bluemoon asked.

    Riverpelt stepped up."Yes Bluesun it dose."He meowed

    Bluesun smiled.";alright well im gonna rest now.Yal stay good won't'cha?"She asked and padded to the warriors den.

    Skylight skipped away to Arrowgaze."Hello."She meowed shyly.

    Smokeclaw pulled Cherrystar aside to her den."wow,cherrystar your beautiful."He meowed and smiled.

  7. Silverfang purred. "Agreed." He meowed, smiling.

    Roseflight glared after Bluesun. "Why don't you?" She called back, then stalked over to the fresh kill pile.

    Arrowgaze blinked, surprised. No one had talks to him since he had arrived, besides asking him to be on patrols. "Uh...hi."

    Cherrystar blinked. "What? Aren't you mates with Bluesun?" She took a step back. "Plus, I just met you!"

  8. Weedflicker smiled.She nodded.

    Bluesun smiled."I will She-kitty."She meowed(thats her word for she-cats.)

    Skylight giggled."whats your name?"She asked

    Smokeclaw hung his head."I am but your just beutiful,plus bluesun and i never talk anymore.I saw you and i feel in love."He meowed

  9. Hawkgaze bristled when Bluesun insulted Roseflight. "She-kitty yourself!" He called.

    Silverfang glared at Bluesun. "She's so self centered!"

    Roseflight bristled, and quietly thanked her brother.

    "Arrowgaze." He meowed.

    Cherrystar sighed. "Let me get to know you better."

  10. Bluesun smiled as if nothing had happened."Bye-bye."she meowed and leap into the den.

    Weedflicker nodded."I don't plan on liking her."She hissed

    Skylight smiled."Im Skylight as you know."She meowed then showed him her paw."My paws hurt how do you walk around here?"She asked

    Smokeclaw sighed."I guess your right, I was coming on too strong."He meowed."do you ant to go hunting?"He meowed

  11. Silverfang nodded. "Me either."

    Arrowgaze shrugged. "You put this paw forward, then this one..." He trailed off, smiling.

    Cheerystar shruged. "How about we get the patrols out." She stepped out of her den. "Riverpelt?" She called.

  12. Weedflicker Smiled."Silverfang,whats your favorite prey?"She asked

    Skylight blushed."You where saying?"She meowed

    Riverpelt turned to Cherrystar."Yes?"He asked

    Smokeclaw felt asdhamed

  13. Silverfang shrugged. "I guess...rabbit or fish."

    Arrowgaze shrugged.

    "Can you send out the patrols?" Cherrystar asked. "I would like to lead one with Smokeclaw and Bluesun."

  14. Weedflicker smiled."Sparrow."She meowed

    Skylight giggled.

    Riverpelt smiled."Okay Roseflight lead one with Greyfur and Featherpaw."He meowed."border patrol."He meowed."cherrystar you take a hunting patrol."he meowed

  15. Silverfang nodded. Then he went up to Riverpelt can I lead one? With...uh...Weedflicker, Spottedfur, and her apprentice?" He paused. "If that's ok with you..."

    Arrowgaze looked at the ground.

    Cherrystar nodded. She padded into the warriors' den. "Bluesun, we are going on a hunting patrol."

  16. Riverpelt nodded."Okay.Your taking the borders by Aspenclan and the lake."He meowed

    Skylight touched his chain with her tall."Are you okay?"She asked

    Bluesun growled."I umm just joined the clan so im taking a nap."She meoed and turned her back to Cherrystar

  17. Silverfang nodded. "Thank you." He signaled to Weedflicker, Spottedfur, and Stillpaw.

    Arrowgaze jumped, then nodded.

    Cheerystar bristled. "Excuse me?" She asked menacingly, taking a step forward.

  18. Weedflicker smiled and padded after him.

    Stillpaw padded after Silverfang.

    Skylight smiled.

    Bluesun rolled her eyes."Are you deaf?I said I just joined the clan now I'm taking a nap."She meowed

  19. Silverfang led his patrol to the border. He started marking the border.

    Spottedfur smiled to her apprentice.

    Arrowgaze started to pad away. "I'm gonna get some fresh-kill." He meowed

    Cherrystar narrowed her eyes. "According to the Warrior Code, what the leader says is law. So please follow the law and get on this patrol..." She thought for a moment. "Or, I could do it alone with your mate." She added.

  20. Skylight Frowned the tried to seem happy."Okay!Im umm just going to go umm...sleep."She meowed and padded away sadly.

    Bluesun shot up."You she-Kitty will do no such thing!"She hissed and charged out of the warriors den to her mate.

  21. Cherrystar smiled. "That's what I thought." She meowed. "Let's go!"

  22. Smokeclaw jumped when his mate almost pumped him."Should we go Cherrystar" he meowed.

    Bluesun hissed at Cherrystar quitly.

  23. "Yes." Cherrystar meowed. She led the two out of camp.

  24. Smokeclaw went ahead when Bluesun stayed behind to pay with a butterfly and take like an idiot."So cherrystar will you be my mate now?"He asked."no im kidding."He then meowed

  25. Cherrystar sighed, but smiled at him. "Come on, lets hunt!"

  26. Smokeclaw sighed but hurried on knowing Bluesun would slip back to camp."Okay."He meowed."What should we catch, I know what i want."he meowed

  27. Cherrystar grinned. "Whatever you can find..." She meowed. "It's hard to find prey in Leafbare...where's Bluesun?"

  28. Smokeclaw looked around."She was playing with a butterfly,she's most likly in camp sleeping.She hates doing things herself."He meowed.

  29. Cherrystar growled. "Well, if she's not going to do anything, then she can't be part of our clan."

  30. Smokeclaw frowned."Its no use she'll just come back crying then steal prey from the fresh kill pile,or even treten skylight unless she brings her fresh kill."Smokeclaw sighed."she's a pain."he meowed

  31. Cherrystar flicked her tail. "We have guards, and Skylight can be watched if she seems suspicious. Also, I will NOT be that nice to let her back in if she comes crying."

  32. Smokeclaw raised his eye brows."okay then."He meowed and smiled.'if she's out then i cant be her mate with gives me the chance to take cherrystar!'he thought

  33. Cherrystar sighed. "But we can hunt first."

  34. Smokeclaw scented the air."Nothing here lets go deeper into the forest."He meowed.'This is my chance!'he thought

  35. "Ok." Cherrystar led him in. She scented the air. "Squirrel..." She whispered. She saw it nibbling on a nut, and stalked toward it. She pounced on it, killing it with a sharp bite to the neck.

  36. Smokeclaw smiled."Great catch beuty."He meowed

  37. Cherrystar bristled at what he called her, but then just sighed. "Thank you." She meowed.

  38. "Sorry if im being a pest, but your way over the pretty scale Cherrystar."Smokeclaw meowed

  39. Cherrystar blushed, but tried to stay composed. She buried her prey.

  40. Smokeclaw smiled."i saw that,you don't have to hide it bluesun's not around!"He meowed and steped closer

  41. Cherrystar stepped away. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I can't be your mate, I just met you today!" She yelled, against everything her heart was saying.

  42. Smokeclaw backed away."I'm sorry!It's not my fault you so beautiful,and kind,and..and...just yourseft."He meowed

  43. Cherrystar sighed, letting her heart take over. "You too." She meowed.

  44. "Yes." Cherrystar mewed, padded over to Smokeclaw and pressing herself against him.

  45. "we could be secret mates."He meowed licking her cheak.

  46. "Or we could be regular mates..." Cherrystar smiled. "Teach Bluesun a lesson."

  47. Smokeclaw smiled."Okay but i still think we should be secret..."he meowed "we could meet at night and all that."he meowed."that would annoy Bluesun more."He meowed

  48. Cherrystar laughed. But then she shook her head. "I can't go behind the backs of my clan."

  49. Smokeclaw nodded."we should go back i'll tell Bluesun but if you tell her she be sooo upset!"he meowed joyfully.

  50. "Ok, but lets at least get a couple more pieces of prey." Cherrystar meowed.


    Cherrystar padded into camp and set her prey down.

  51. Smokeclaw smiled and put his prey down.

    Bluesun padded over to them."what is the?!?"She yelled and pointed to their intertwined tails

  52. Cherrystar shrugged, padding toward her den.

  53. Bluesun growled."CHERRYSTAR!!!!WHAT WHERE YOU DOING WITH MY MATE!!!!!"bluesun yelled and padded after cherrystar, fur brisling.

    Smokeclaw doged in front of Bluesun.then went next to Cherrystar and licked her cheak

  54. Cherrystar shrugged. "Smokeclaw?" She asked.

  55. "Oh okay."Smokeclaw meowed."You are no longer my mate Bluesun,Cherrystar is."he meowed

  56. Cherrystar shrugged. "Oh well."

  57. bluesun eyes got red,She leap at Cherrystar."He's my mate did i not make that clear?"Bluesun tried to hurt cherrystar but she had no claws and her teeth whrent sharp

  58. Cherrystar rolled her eyes. She pushed Bluesun off of her.
