Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Cherrystar padded around her new camp. She looked up at the Fog Tree. It was a tall birch with fog constantly hanging around it's leaves. She suddenly ran for it, scrambling up to the top. "All cats old enough to find their way through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" She watched her clan appear from various places. "Welcome to FogClan. I know we are new, but that also means that we are young!" She smiled to her clan. "The others had better watch out for this new clan. This. Is. (SPARTA!!!!!) (WAR!!!!!) FogClan!" End of epic speech.
"Also, we need to give out mentors and apprnetices." Cherrystar announced. "Hollypaw's mentor will be Creekspirit. Flickerpaw's mentor will be Riverpelt. Woodpaw's mentor will be Greyfur. Weedpaw's mentor will be me. Vixenpaw's mentor will be Hazelstorm. And Acornpaw's mentor will be Hawkgaze. That is all."


  1. Cherrystar watched her clan.

    Roseflight sighed that she didn't have an apprentice.

    Flickerpaw padded over to Weedpaw.

    Hawkgaze padded over to Creekspirit. "Hi." He meowed.

    Hollypaw padded over to Vixenpaw. "Hi!"

    Woodpaw padded over to Acornpaw. "Hey." he meowed. "I'm Woodpaw."

    Pearlmoon padded over to Riverpelt. She licked his cheek.

    Featherkit leaped on top of Stillkit.

    Squinteyes padded out into the sunlight and stretched out in the most sunny spot, a big rock that soked up the sun. 'This is the one advantage of being an elder.' She thought bitterly.

  2. Riverpelt smiled."some cats say your having more kits is it true?"He asked worried

    Creekspirit smiled to Hawkgaze."Hello."she meowed to her clanmate.

    Greyfur looked at Squinteyes.He loved the she-cat when they where apprentices.but know he dident know what to say.

    Weedpaw smiled.She was more mature then the others so she went out side the camp to guard.

    Vixenpaw smiled at Hazelstorm.

    Acornpaw shugged and when to the freash kill pile.His eyes fixed on Hollypaw.He droped his half eated squirrle.

    Blossomheart padded out into the woods and looked for Victor so she could talk to him

    Stillkit smiled and pushed her sister off her.

    Hollowmouse hissed to the sky."i need to kill."He meowed and headed out to kill somecat

  3. "Riverpelt!" Cherrystar called. "Send out the patrols!"

    "Yes, more." Pearlmoon answered. "What's wrong?"

    "Uh..." Hawkgaze thought wildly. "Want to go hunting?"

    Squinteyes felt eyes resting on her. She looked around.

  4. Victor scented Blossomheart and padded to find her. He finally reached her. "Hey." He meowed.
