Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


"All cats old enough to find their way through mist, gathe rbeneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar called. "Today we will bring an elder back to warrior...ness. Squinteyes, you are now restored to your full warrior name, Quickflight!" She smiled. "I hope you and Greyfur will be happy together." She mrrowed, secretly being jealous. "That is all, Riverpelt, send out the patrols!"

"Hawkgaze, bring three more cats on a hunting patrol. Greyfur, lead a border patrol. No, Quickflight, you can't come. You broke a leg! And...Cherrystar. Lead one last border patrol. That's all!"
"I"ll take Creekspirit and our apprnetices." Hawkgaze meowed.
"I'll bring...Hazelstorm. And our apprentices." Greyfur decided.
"And I'll take Spottedfur and Arrowgaze." Cherrystar meowed lastly.


  1. Hawkgaze waited for his patrol, watching Creekspirit.

    Hollypaw ran up to the patrol. "HI HI!"

    Woodpaw padded over to Greyfur.

    Spottedfur walked over to her patrol, along with Arrowgaze. They and Cherrystar left.

    Pearlmoon stretched out in the grass.

  2. Creekspirit looked at Hawkgaze and smiled then turned to Hollypaw."Rember what we talked about being quite?You HAVE to be quite on a hunting patrol."She meowed

    Greyfur nodded to Woodpaw."Is Vixenpaw sleeping?"He asked."Hazelstorm come on!"

    Riverpelt smiled to the patrols then went over to Pearlmoon."Should we tel Stillkit and Featherkit there going to be big siters?"He asked gestering to his Daughters.

    Acornpaw felt delighted.Going on patrol with the most beutiful she-cat ever!

    Weedpaw looked at Cherrystar"should i guard the camp or clean the elders?"She called

    Blossomheart let out a wail.Her kits were coming!

    Hollowmouse looked at a tom and a loner kit in front of him"Ok kit your turn."He had killed its mother and father all ready.

  3. "Yes Creekspirit." Hollypaw looked down.

    Woodpaw shrugged. "I'll go get her." He padded into the apprentices' den. "Vixenpaw, wake up!" He shook her.

    Hazelstorm ran over. "Sorry...where's Vixenpaw?"

    Pearlmoon opened one eyes. "Do we have to right now?" She purred and stretched. "Sure."

    "You, Weedpaw," Cherrystar meowed a bit harshly. "Should come on patrol with me. You're not the only cat in camp able to do work! Silverfang is guarding camp, and the elders' den was cleaned out last you!"

    Deersong pricked her ears. She had heard a wail. "Blossomheart was that you?" She called. "Sedgepaw, come with me. Bring borage and a stick." She padded quickly to the nursery. "Ok, Blossomheart." She took the stick from Sedgpeaw and put it in her mouth. "Bite down when you feel the pain." She soothed her by asking questions. "Who's the mate?"

    Roseflight was taking a walk when she scented blood. She followed the scent until she saw Hollowmouse looming over a kit, his claws raised. The bodies of two older cats were dead on the ground. "Hey!" She stepped into the clearing. "You can't kill all these cats!"

  4. "Dont worry Hollypaw, every apprentice make mistakes,right Hawkgaze rember the time you almost feel out of the Sacamore tree?"Creekspirit meowed and laughed.

    Vixenpaw opened one eyes."What?"She asked.Smiling slightly.

    Greyfur turned to Hazelstorm."She's asleep, Woodpaw's getting her."

    "well i guess not right now."He meowed

    Weedpaw shugged and followed her mentor.She was almost as big as Cherrystar

    "The-the Father?Victor the rouge."She meowed.Then bit down as a kit slid out(Yours)

    Sedgepaw looked at her mentor"Victor?!?"She meowed

    Hollowmouse turned to Roseflight."Huh,oh its just you daughter(i guess he's her father...?)What?why cant i."Hollowmouse repled.

  5. Hawkgaze swiped at Creekspirit playfully. "Don't tell them about that!" He meowed, embarrassed.

    "We gotta go on patrol." Woodpaw meowed, amused at her sticking up fur. "But give yourself a wash first." he added in a whisper.

    Hazelstorm nodded.

    Pearlmoon yawned. "Well, now I'm up. So we have to."

    Cherrystar took the head of the patrol. (can we stop commenting w/ this patrol?)

    "Oh, he must be nice..." Deersong bit the sac of the ginger tabby she-kit and smiled. "And handsome, because you have such a gorgeous kit!"

  6. "Because, he never did anything to you!" Roseflight exclaimed. "Can't you see that that's wrong?"

  7. Creekspirit smiled."Okay guys,Lets go."Creekspirit meowed

    Vixenpaw looked at her fur."Oh okay."She meowed and cleaned it up fast then trotted out of the den.

    Greyfur gesteredto the apprentices."See there."

    Riverpelt smiled and they padded up to there kits."Stillkit,Featherkit we have news."He meowed


    Blossomheart nodded then bit the stick harder when the next kit came,A black she-cat.(mine)Then bit down even harder when the next kit came.(yours)

  8. Hollowmouse hissed at roseflight."It's my choice.Me and your mother used to kill and rouge when we where rouges.Dont you want to try?its in your blood."He meowed

  9. Hawkgaze bounded ahead. "I'm leading this patrol! Yeah!" He grinned.

    Woodpaw padded out with her and padded over to the warriors.

    Hazelstomr nodded. "Ok."

    Featherkit stopped attacking her sister. "Yeah daddy? Are we gonna be apprentices? We're almost six moons!"

    "You are almost six moons, but not yet." Pearlmoon purred.

    Deersong nudged the second kit over to Sedgepaw, and licked the third kit, and black she-cat. She looked exactly like her brother. (twins?)

    "No!" Rosenight hissed. "You and Hawkgaze may like killing, but I don't!" She raced in, gave Hollowmouse a blow to the side of the head, and grabbed the kit. She started running. She got to ______ (whereever you want the kit to go) quickly and set him down.

  10. Creekspirot rooled her eyes.(done with is partrol)

    Greyfur looked at them"Lets go"He meowed(done)0

    Riverpelt looked at his kits."Your mama has something inportsnt to tellyou."He meowed

    (yes twins)
    Blossomheart smiled,then the last kit came.A giger tom like his sister .(mine)

    Hollowmouse rolled his eyes when he got up.then wased his paws off and whent to camp.

  11. (ok)


    "Soon, you guys are going to have little brothers and sisters." Pearlmoon meowed.

    "Wow!" Featherkit exclaimed. "Really?"

    The ginger kit wnet over to suckle.

    Deersong bit the sac of the last kit and lay it by the others.

    Rosenight left the ki in some random twolegplace and went back to camp, her stroll forgotten.

  12. Stillkit mouth droped."Re-really?!?!"She asked happliy

    Blossomheart watched her kits suckle."Sedgepaw,behind the great sacamore tree theres a den,Victor lives there can you get him?"She asked

    Sedgepaw smiled and raced off."Victor! Victor?Blossomheart had her kits.She wants you!"She called in the hole.

  13. "Yes." Pearlmoon purred.

    Victor padded out. "Yes, I'll come." he followed Sedgepaw back to camp and padded into the den. "They're beautiful." he purred, nuzzling Blossomheart.

  14. Blossomheart smiled."Names?"She asked.

  15. "What about Spring for the ginger she-cat, and Swift for the black she-cat?" Victor suggested. Then he shook his head. "I mean, SpringKIT and SwiftKIT."

  16. Blossomheart nodded."Okay for the toms,umm.."Some Rowan flowers grew outside the nursery,"for the ginger tom Rowankit."She meowed then looked at some nettles growing on a rose bush."Nettlekit."she meowed and licked the kits heads.

  17. "Beautiful." Victor sighed. "I think...I think I should join."

  18. "Yeah..." Victor smiled. "Suprise!"
