Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Rain let up to bright sunlight as Greyfur led Squinteyes through the forest.
"Why are you doing this?" Squinteyes asked. "It's not worth it!"
"Yes it is!" Greyfur insisted. "Plus, you needed some fresh air." He paused as they continued walking. "You know, you never should've become an elder."
"Whatever," Squinteyes shrugged.
"No, really!" Greyfur mewed. He took a breath. "I promise that I will restore your position as warrior!"
"Really?" Squinteyes asked, her eyes opening widely for the first time since she had gotten her eyes cut.
"Really." Greyfur meowed. "And I will try my hardest to get your regular name back, Quickflight."
"Wha-how did you remember?" Squinteyes asked.
"I-" Greyfur was cut off as they heard a growl from behind them. It was a dog. And it wanted prey.


  1. Greyfur looked at the dog."Quickflight,get into the tree behind you now."He meowed quitly.

    Riverpelt looked at Pearlmoon in the sunlight."May i feel the kits?"he asked(He means can he feel her stomach)

    Creekspirit smiled to Hawkgaze."hi she meowed."I had a lot of fun yesterday.Mabey we could go again somtime."She meowed and padded to the warriors den.

    Weedpaw sighed as he guarded the camp once more.

    Vixenpaw smiled to her metor."Can we go fighting training?"She asked

    Acornpaw was in dreamland.Him and hollypaw running in a meadow with manyh kits behind them.

    Blossomheart's stomach heat

    Stillkit looked at featherkit."What to lie with Mama?"she asked

    Hollowmouse came back into the camp with a cut on his sholder,from a young tom that her tried to kill.

  2. Quickflight nodded and felt her way over to the tree. She slipped into one of it's holes.

    Pearlmoon purred. "You don't even have to ask."

    Hawkgaze's ears pricked happily.

  3. Greyfur backed away slowly.the ran into the tree.Leaving the dog confused

    Riverpelt smiled and felt her stomach."im no medicane cat but that fells like a lot of kits."He meowed

    Creekspirt turned to Hawkgaze once more before padding into the dep hole.

  4. Squinteyes tried to watch, but couldn't see through her almost blind eyes.

    The dog growled and went after the other cat instead. He ran at the tree and stuck his head into the hole, snapping at her legs.

    Squinteyes wailed at the dog grabbed hold of one of her legs, and it snapped.

    Pearlstorm purred. "That's good, right?"

    Hawkgaze sighed happily.

  5. Greyfur jumped onto the dogs head a riped it open feash and blood was every where.The dog let go of Squiteyes."Quickflight!"Greyfur meowed and looked at her nervousely.

  6. The dog howled and ran back into the woods.

    Squinteyes wailed. "He bit my leg, and now I can't feel it!"

  7. Greyfur hung his head."Okay come on."He said and grabbed her by the scruf and put her on his back

    "Of course!"Riverpelt meowed

  8. Squinteyes hated feeling helpless. She walked on three legs, though she was in gresat pain

    Pearlmoon smiled.

  9. Greyfur opened his mouth to protest but stoped

  10. Squinteyes padded all the way back to camp, her head held high.

    Deerpelt padded out into the clearing to find Squinteyes padding toward her, one of her legs snapped. Greyfur was supporting her, covered in blood, "Oh, dear!: She exclaimed. "Come into my den, both of you!"

  11. Greyfur followed Squinteyes and Deerpelt.

    Sedgepaw (Med cat app) looked at Deerpelt."What do you need."Sheasked

  12. (oops Deersong XD)

    Deersong helped Squinteyes lay down. Then she turned to Sedgepaw. "I'll let you decide. What do we use to stop bleeding and infection, and what are the parts that we use to make a splint?" Then she turned to Greyfur. "Sit!" She commanded.

  13. "Umm...cobwebs to stop bleeding,Marigold for infetion and umm...."Sedgepaw couldent get the last part

    Greyfurs eyes widen and her sat.

  14. "Two pieces of wood and a long leaf or vine to wrap around it." Deersong finished. "Go get them, please. You, Greyfur, lick your blood away. I want to see where there are any scratches." She looked at Squinteyes' leg. "Yep, definitaly brocken. What happened, anyway?"

    "We ran into a dog!" Squinteyes meowed and started telling the story.

  15. Sedgepaw nodded and got two peises of wood and a lond,long,vine.

    Greyfur looked at the grond.He shoud have never talken Squinteyes out.

  16. Deersong looked up at Greyfur. "IU said lick yourself clean!" She snapped, then took the wood and the vine. She lined the wood up on either side of Squinteyes' leg and quickly wrapped the vine around it. She pulled it tight, ignoring Squinteyes' grunt of surprise. She got a poppy seed and fed it to her. "Now, rest."

    Squinteyes closed her eyes and enetered a dream.

    Deersong sighed. "I wish thwere were something I could do about those eyes." She meowed. "Only StarClan could fix that."

  17. Greyfur snapped out of it and started cleaning his fur rather quickly.

  18. Squinteyes opened her eyes to a beautiful cat. "Mother?"
    "Hello, Quickflight." Darlingheart meowed.
    "Where am I?" Squinteyes asked. "Are you-are you taking me to StarClan? Am I dead?"
    "No, my dear. I am here to heal what has been hurt." She gestured to a pool of silvery water. "Dip your head in with your eyes wide open. Then wake up."
    "Yes, mother." Squinteyes padded over to the poo;. She opened her eyes as wide as they could go and dipped her head in. She instantly woke up, and her eyes flickered open. Wide open. "I-I can see!" She exclaimed. 'thank you mother.' She thought. She could feel her presence.

  19. Greyfur looked at Squinteye and smiled."Really?"He asked

  20. "Yeah!" Squinteyes stared at Greyfur noticing how cute he was.

  21. Quickflight purred. She nuzzled Greyfur sweetly. "Does that mean I'm young enough to be your mate now?"

  22. Greyfur's mouth droped."Yes!Yes!"He meowed."He lifted his eye brows in a flirty way."What do you want ot do?"he puured

  23. "Sleep!" Quickflight sighed. She snuggled down next to Greyfur and purred.
