Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Cherrystar leaped onto the Fog Tree. "All cats old enough to see through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a Clan meeting."She yowled."Bluesun is to be exiled, she tried to kill me."she meowed.Gasped came from the clan."Bluesun do you have any last words to the clan?"She asked.Blue sun hissed."Beside's the fact that my formal mate is a cheater, no.But i do have a question for Skylight."She meowed and turned to her sister.Skylight sunk back."Skylight i took care of you, and you will come with me."she meowed.Skylight shook her head."Bluesun my place is here."She meowed.Bluesun stepped forward."Traitor!"She hissed and darted forward grabbing onto her sister.Arrowgaze ripped Bluesun off her.Bluesun hissed and ran out of the camp.
~~~~~~~~~Bluesun's new den~~~~~
"They will pay!"she hissed to her new friends.A old group of loners joined her in her quest to distroy the clan.5 loners had joined,two included Lazuli,and Jasper.She looked at her gang."You three."she pointed to the other three(Holly you make them up and add them)."Go find more of us!"she meowed and send all five of them out...


  1. Riverpelt padded over to his kits and mate."Hi guys!"He meowed

    Creekspirit padded over to Hawkgaze, her stomac was slightly swallen.She smiled when she sat nwext to him

    Greyfur padded over to Quickflight."Hi quickflight."He meowed

    Weedflicker padded over to Silverfang."Wanna go hunting or partice some fighting?"She asked

    Bluesun was paceing around wondering which one of her followers will be her deputy.

    Skylight sat down and licked her paws.She keeped looking at Arrowgaze.

    Smokeclaw groomed Cherrystars fur.

    Blossomheart smiled to her kits.

    Sootkit stuck up her nose to her rambontus siblings."Redickuless isent it Creamkit."she moewed

    Whitekit ran at Willowkit and Ivykit then used a move his father had taught him.

    Rowankit padded over to Ivykit."hi"He meowed

    Nettlekit the most mistevis of his litter padded over to willowkit."Hey."He meowed when whitekit was busy messing with sootkit and creamkiit by putting dirt on them.

    Hollowmouse was sitting in the sun an eye on Roseflight.

  2. Pearlmoon purred when she saw her mate. "Hi." She meowed.

    Hawkgaze purred and licked his mate's cheek. "What's up?" he asked.

    Quickflight's eyes brightened. "Hi."

    Silverfang shrugged. "Ok."

    Arrowgaze groomed himself.

    Cherrystar purred and stretched.

    Creamkit nodded sadly. She wanted to play as well, but she didn't want to disapoint her sister.

    Willowkit and Ivykit scattered. "Ahh!" Ivykit meowed, laughing. Then she turned to Rowankit, letting Willowkit play. "Hi."

    Willowkit looked over at Nettlekit. "Hello." She smiled.

  3. Riverpelt looked at the kits."How are they?"He asked

    Creekpelt shook her head."Nothing."She meowed and purred.

    Weedflicker lead him out of camp."Okay, you attack me first."She meowed

    Sootkit sighed."You really want to play don't you?"She meowed

    Nettlekit smiled."so Ivykit you wanna play some hide and seek?"He asked

    Rowankit smiled."Wach' ya doing?"He asked

  4. "Good, they seem to be getting along well, too." Pearlmoon meowed.

    Hawkgaze looked at Creekspirit's belly. "Eating a bit to much freshkill?" he asked. (lol it's creekspirit)

    Silverfang leaped at Weeflicker, confronting her and swiping at her head with sheathed claws.

    "No." Creamkit meowed awkwardly.

    "Ok." Ivykit smiled. "Let's do that."

    "Nothing much, just play fighting." Rowankit meowed.

    Swiftkit and Springkit watched the other kits.

  5. Riverpelt smiled

    Creekspirit shook her head."No."she meowed

    Weedflicker jumped over Silverclaw.She landed perfectly.

    Sootkit smiled."Great"She meowed

    Neetlekit smiled

    Rowankit smiled to the she-cat."your brother's alsleep right?"He aksed

  6. "Then what?" Hawkgaze's eyes brightened.

    Silverfang whipped around. "You're good." he meowed.

    Creamkit smiled back.

    Willowkit looked over there. "Yeah."

  7. Creekspirit smiled."Nothing Hawkgaze!"she meowed and licked his face

    Weedflicker smiled."When you taught by the leader, you have to be."she meowed

    Rowankit smiled."then come with me out of camp."He meowed

  8. "Alright." Hawkgaze meowed.

    Silverfang smiled. "I'm just rusty." he leaped onto Weedflicker, pummeling her back.

    "Ok." Willowkit's eyes brightened.

  9. Creekspirit smiled."or mabey somthing."she meowed

    Weedflickers eyes brighten when they meet silverfangs.

  10. "What?" Hawkgaze asked.

    Silverfang flashed his paw over Weedflicker's nose lightly.

  11. Creekspirit smiled."You'll know sooner or later."She meowed

    Weedflicker laughted slightly and ran at silverfang.Pinning him down

  12. Hawkgaze sighed. "Fine."

    Silverfang laughed as he was pushed down. "This is so hard!" He exclaimed. Then he pushed up, getting her off him. Then he pinned her instead. "Haha!"

  13. Weedflicker got up and ran into the forest laughing the entire time.

  14. Silverfang leaped after her. He smiled as he caught up with her.

  15. Weedflicker flicked him with her tail.Then ran it down his back.

  16. Silverfang shivered, but smiled. "Gosh." He blushed.

  17. Weedflicker smiled."What?"She meowed her blue eyes half closed

  18. "Nothing." Silverfang looked down.

  19. Weedflicker frowned."You've never even thought of hving a mate have you?":she meowed

  20. "No." Silverfang was surprised.

  21. Weedflicker sighed."Okay."She meowed and started heading back to camp

  22. "What?" Silverfang looked around, even more surprised. "Where are you going?..." He sighed.

  23. "I was going back to camp i didn't want to make you feel back, you'll find a mate in you own time, just like i'll find mine, i just guess nows not the time."She meowed and turned away again.

  24. Silverfang looked at his paws. What could he do? He was no good at flirting with she-cats, not to mention with the she-cat he had started to love.

  25. Weedflicker waved then padded back to camp she grabbed some prey an headed to the warriors den

  26. Silverfang sighed and padded to the river. He watched the water running.

  27. ~~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~~

    Weedflicker padded acroos camp, her eyes flased on Silverfang.She was a little upset.

  28. Silverfang padded over to Weedflicker. "Would you like to go hunting?" he asked.

  29. Weedflicked thought for a momment."Okay."she meowed 'mabey i have a second chance.'she thought

  30. "Cool." Silverfang led Weedflicker out of camp. He quickly caught a mouse. "The prey's starting to come back." He meowed, as if talking to any old cat.

  31. Weedflicker looked blankly at the tom.'or mabey not...'

  32. Silverfang looked at her expectantly. "Are you going to catch something?" He asked, not realizing how rude it sounded.

  33. Weedflicker narrowed her eyes and hissed.She started paddibng back to camp.

  34. "What?" Silverfang meowed. "What'd I do?"

  35. Weedflicker shook her head."oh nothing you just didn't like me and then acted totaly rude, but no you dident do anything silverfang!"Shye hissed

  36. "What?" Silverfang meowed, astonished. "Just because I'm not in love with you doesn't mean I'm bad. Anyway, I DO love you." he paused, then growled, "Or I used to."

  37. Weedflicker growled and stalked away.'wow.'she thought to her self

  38. Silverfang lashed his tail.

    Quicklflight saw Weedflicker stalk into camp. "What's wrong?"

  39. Weedflicker hissed."I'm not talking to him."She hissed

  40. "Who?" Quickflight was very confused.

  41. "Silverfang."Weedflicker hissed and snarled."He's so rude!"She hissed

  42. "I thought you liked him!" Quickflight tilted her head.

  43. "I did."Weedflicker hissed to her friend.

  44. "Did? Why not now?" Quickflight asked.

  45. "The stupid tom is so rude."She meowed."And he talks to me as if im old!"She hissed
