Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Warriors and Apprentices

"All cats able to see through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar watched her clan gather. "First, some apprentices are ready to become warriors. Hollypaw, Flickerpaw, Vixenpaw, Acornpaw, and Woodpaw, please come up.
"I, Cherrystar, leader of FogClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turns. Do you all promise to uphold the warrior code, to defend and protect your Clan, even at the cost of your lives?"
"I do." Hollypaw breathed.
"I do!" Flickerpaw exclaimed.
"I do." Vixenpaw just stared up at Cherrystar.
"I do." Acornpaw's voice shook.
"I do." Woodpaw called out srongly.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. From this moment on, you shall be known as Hollywing. Flickerheart, Vixenpelt, Acornclaw, and Woodblaze." Cherrystar meowed loudly.
"Also, Blossomheart's kits must become apprentices." Cherrystar watched the kits tumble over to the tree. "Springkit, Swiftkit, Nettlekit, and Rowankit, form this moment on, until you recieve your warrior names, you shall be known as Springpaw, Swiftpaw, Nettlepaw, and Rowanpaw. Springpaw's mentor will be Skylight. Swiftpaw's mentor will be Roseflight. Victor will mentor Nettlepaw, and Smokeclaw will mentor Rowanpaw."
Cherrystar turned to Victor. "I know this is your kit, but do NOT go easy one him."
"Don't worry." Victor smiled. "I won't!"
"Metting dismissed!"

~~~~~~~At Bluesun's gang hideout~~~~~~~~~~
Bluesun looked at her gang."We need more fighters!"she hissed to Colt whom was now her proseder.She sat with his watching the rest of the gang.Lazuli was sitting with Sniper and kitty was sitting alone."Kitty, o find so kittypets to join."she hissed."Lazuli,Sniper search the entire area again."She meowed and sent them away.


  1. Hollywing looked around excitedly.

    Flickerheart stood tall and trying to be serious, while inside her heart was bursting.

    Woodblaze licked his paw embarrassedly.

    Silverfang padded over to Vixenpelt. "Congrats." He meowed.

    Springpaw jumped around.

    Swiftpaw ran around. "YAY!!!"

    Sniper nodded and sped out of the camp.

    Kitty nodded politely and left more slowly.

    Colt flexed his claws. "I agree."

  2. Riverpelt ran over to the warriors den after staying gaurd all night he felt tired and fell aslep quickly.

    Creekspirit padded over to Hawkgaze.She purred."Okay, I'm ready to tell you."she meowed

    Greyfur sat in the warriors den, half of his body out.He sat beside's Quickflight.

    Weedflicker watched Silverfang and Vixenpelt with a hiss.

    Skylight wet over to Springpaw and touched noses."Hello."she meowed

    Smokeclaw sat next to Cherrystar twaining tails with her's he purred.

    Blossomheart smiled to Victor."They grow up so fast!"she meowed

    Vixenpelt smiled."Thanks Silverfang."She meowed.

    Acornpaw just sat down with some fresh kill.His eyes filled with exsitment.

    Stillpaw smiled."New den mates!"She exclaimed

    Nettlepaw looked at Ivykit."I have to go."He meowed and licked her head.Then went over to Victor.

    Rowanpaw smiled to Willowkit.He was always tring to hang out with her when Whitekit's not around.

    Sootkit frowned."We sould be warriors!"She meowed to Creamkit.

    Whitekit as asleep in the nursery next to his mother.

    Hollowmouse watched his daughter."She sould not have an apprentice."he hissed

    Bluesun hissed."I all of them dont come back with atleast a rouge im going to kill."She hissed."Well you are, i cant kill you know that."she hisseed

    Lazuli ran after Sniper."We need to find at leat one cat."She hissed

    Jasper ran after Kitty."Wait up Kit!"He called

  3. "What is it?" hawkgaze asked excitedly.

    "Hi!" Springpaw exclaimed.

    Victor smiled. "I know...I have to get to Nettlepaw. Bye!"

    Silvernfang blushed. "Want to go hunting with me?"

    Ivykit watched after Nettlepaw kind of sadly, but then sighed and turned away.

    Willowkit sighed. "You seem so OLD now that you're an apprentice!"

    Creamkit nodded. "Yeah!" This was one thing she agreed about.

    Colt nodded.

    "Yes." Sniper agreed. "But if we see kits, I'm not touching it!"

    "Kit?" Kitty purred. "Nice nickname." She flicked Jasper's ear with her tail.

  4. "I'm having kits!"She said excitedly.Creekspirit smiled.

    Skylight started walking."Lets go."She meowed

    Blossomheart smiled."Bye."She meowed

    Vixenpelt blushed."Sure."She meowed

    Rowanpaw smiled."Don't worry Willowkit, you'll be as old as me soon."He meowed and licked her cheak.

    Lazuli smiled."we could catch them and bring them back!"She said and laughed."Then Bluesun would have no reason to kill us."She mewoed

    Jasper smiled."we have to atlest get one kittypet, or bluesun's gonna kill us."He meowed and rubbed up next to Kitty."And thats not happening."He meowed

  5. "What? Really?" Hawkgaze exclaimed.

    "Ok." Springpaw meowed. (done here)

    "Come on!" Silverfang started into the woods.

    Willowkit smiled. "Thanks."

    "Alright." Sniper meowed.

    "Yeah..." Kitty purred. When they reached the twolegplace, she pricked her ears.

  6. Creekspirit nodded."Yup."She meowed

    Vixenpelt hurried after Silverfang.She smiled when she caught up.

    Rowanpaw smirked and padded next to her.

    "Look over there Kit."Jasper meowed pointing to a young cat."Mabey he'll join."He meowed.He plased his paw on Kitty's."Let's hope this works"He meowed

  7. Silverfang purred and quickly caught a vole. "Newleaf is beautiful." He commented.

    Kitty nodded. She padded up to the tom. "Hello. I am Kitty and this is Jasper."

  8. Vixenheart smiled."yeah."she meowed and purred.

    Jasper looked at the tom."We wanted to know to know if you wanted to join our group."He meowed

    Benny looked at the cats."Nah i have better things to do."He hissed and padded away.

  9. Silverfang buried his catch and turned to Vixenpelt. "You know, you're very pretty."

    Kitty growled and flicked her tail.

    "Join a group?" Clover asked. She jumped up, her three kits scrambling up after. "What's this about a group? A FOREST group?"

  10. Vixenpelt blushed."Thanks Silverfang."She meowed and caught a mouse

    Jasper frowned but smiled when clover came up.He purred."Yes ma'am"He meowed to clover

    Little looked at her sisters."I think were getting a home.

  11. Silverfang sighed. What is he supposed to do?

    "Well, my two legs just moved away, could we live with you?" Clover asked. "By the way, I'm Clover. These are Tiny, Little, and Small."

    "Hi!" Tiny exclaimed.

    Small stared at the new cats.

  12. Vixenpelt burried her prey and pressed herself agenst Silverfang.

    Jasper nodded."Okay clover."He meowed."Hi kits."He meowed.He licked Kitty's check."Kit, we just got joiners."He whispered.

    Little smiled.

  13. Silverfang jumped, then relaxed. He purred. "I really like you." He admitted.

    Kitty smiled. "Follow us!"

    Clover jumped down and followed the rouges.

    Tiny and Small trailed after their mother.

    Sniper looked around. He scented something. "Hey, I smell another rouge!"

  14. Vixenpelt purred."I really like you too Silverfang."She meowed

    Lazuli looked up."Where?"She asked

    Moss, a rouge was sitting on the edge of a pond alone.

  15. Silverfang purred. " you want to be my mate?"

    "There!" He pointed to the cat. He approached slowly. "Hello!" He called when he thought he was close enough.

  16. Vixenpelt opened her mouth to gasp but closed her mouth quickly."Silverfang, yes!"She meowed

    Moss turned to Sniper"Hi."She meowed

    Stillpaw walked out of camp.She went as far a the border could let her and sat down then looked at the montains.

  17. Silverfang purred. "Thank goodness!" He meowed. "After my break up with Weedflicker...I really didn't have anyone..."

    "Hi." Sniper replied. "Would you like to join our group? We could use cats like you."

    Colt padded out of their camp to hunt. He padded out to the edge of the forest and saw a she-cat gazing at the mountains. He gasped and hid behind a tree.

  18. "i get it Silverfang, you know everyone hated you right?We thought you were so horrible to Weedflicker we wouldn't talk to you, but I'm glad I did."She meowed

    Moss shrugged."Sure I'm Moss."she meowed

    Stillpaw turned around and hissed."Who's there!"She called

  19. Silverfang looked at his paws. "I know..." He sighed. "I didn't even know I did anything wrong! Now even Cherrystar is being mean! She put me on moss collecting yesterday..."

    "Nice to meet you, Moss. I'm Sniper." Sniper said.

    "Uh, just me." Colt stepped out awkwardly.

  20. Vixenpelt laughed."I had to clean the elder's den once, all by myself!ticks and all!"she meowed

    Stillpaw padded up to Colt."why were you stalking me?"she meowed angerly.

  21. Silverfang snorted. "I remember that!"

    "I was NOT stalking you!" Colt growled, his neck fur bristling. "I was walking by and I saw you. I didn't want to get in a fight, so I hid."

  22. "So why'd you come out if you hid you could have killed me when i turned away!"She meowed."Oh no"She thought' i just gave away i way to kill me!'she thought and backed away.

  23. "I couldn't kill you!" Colt exclaimed. "You're too beautiful."

  24. Stillpaw blushed and backed away some more."Don't come amny closer, I'll sherd you."She hissed

  25. "Fine." Colt meowed. He started to back away. "I won't talk to you if you don't want me to."

  26. Stillpaw stood up and brushed her self off.She turned back to the montains and relaxed

  27. Colt sighed. He turned around and started to pad away sadly.

  28. Stillpaw turned around."Wait!"she called after feeling bad."My names Stillpaw!"She meowed and smiled hoping Colt would turn around.

  29. Colt turned back. "I'm Colt." he meowed.

  30. She mostioned colt over to her and smiled.

  31. Colt padded over to Stillpaw. "Why is your name StillPAW? Why not just Still?"

  32. "Because i belong to a clan."she meowed."But you can call me still."she meowed

  33. "Oh..." Colt stood up. "I really should go. Sorry. I'm just...never mind."

  34. Stillpaw hung her head."Oh okay."she meowed.She closed her eyes.

  35. Colt sighed. But, he couldn't mix with CLAN cats! Bluesun said so!"

  36. Stillpaw swallowed.she headed back to camp, alone once more

  37. Colt padded back to his camp sadly.

    Kitty led her patrol back to camp. She nuzzled Jasper and leaned on him if she got tired.

    Clover carried Small, who had fallen asleep.

    Sniper padded to the camp. "Bluesun?" he called.

  38. Bluesun turned to Sniper."What?"she meowed.Then turned to Colt."Colt, is that the sink of clan on you?"She hisssed

  39. "I'm sorry." Colt meowed. "I strayed near their border, that is all." He turned to Sniper. "Who's this?"

    "Moss." Sniper meowed.

    Kitty entered the camp, Clover and her kits trailing behind. "We found four cats!" She boasted, no matter how unusually tired she was.

  40. Bluesun hissed."Don't."She meowed and turned to Clover,Small,Little,Tiny,and Moss."Hello!Welcome to my group!My name is Bluesun!"she meowed acting very nice.

    Moss turned to Sniper."Is she always this nice?"She meowed

    Jasper licked Kitty's cheak."Kit les go to our den."He meowed

  41. "Oh, thank you." Clover meowed. "I'm Clover. These are Tiny, Little, and Small."

    Sniper shook his head. "She gets MUCH worse."

    Kitty purred. "Thank you." She leaned on him all the way to the den and into their shared nest. She purred as she sat down. "Jasper, I didn't tell you this, but, the reason why I've been so tired lately, it's that...I'm having kits." She paused. "I can't continue on my regular duties. They exhaust me every day!"

  42. Bluesun smiled."Well welcome you'll have the den over there."she pointed to a bigger den with little caves for kits.

    Moss rolled her eyes."Great."she meowed

    Jasper's mouth droped."But..Kitty.Bluesun's going to kill you if she finds out.She was angery enough when we became mates but having kits?She'll kill you."He meowed panic filled his eyes.

  43. "Thank you." Clover meowed and headed for the den.

    Sniper sighed. "It's not THAT bad." He meowed.

    Kitty sighed. "I know. That's why I tried to carry on with my normal duties. But I CAN'T anymore. I'll surely die."

  44. Moss laughed."You said it like it would be!"she meowed

    "Then you have to leave.Just be a kittypet just for a while.I'll come later!"He meowed sadly.

  45. Sniper looked at his paws. Her shrugged.

    "So you're not going to come with me?" Kitty asked, her eyes huge. "I thought...I thought you said It was you and me. Forever."

  46. "Then I'll come with you but you cant stay here she would kill you, the kits,and me.Lets go."he meowed

  47. "Thank you." Kitty purred. She slowly stood up and padded out into the clearing again, trying not to let Bluesun know how tired she was. "We are going hunting!" She called. When they had left the camp, she broke into a run. When they reached the twolegplace, they searched for a home all night. Eventually she collasped, not able to go on any longer.

  48. Jasper nuzzled Kitty.He got her some water.

    Tigress a kitty-pet looked at Jasper and Kitty."do you two need any help?"She meowed.

  49. Kitty drank the water thankfully. She looked up at the kittypet. "Please can you help us?" She asked. "We need to stay with twolegs."

  50. Jasper nodded.

    Tigress nodded."sure if you can come with me my two legs where looking for new cats."she mewoed and led them to a bright yellow house.She went thought the door and smiled."home sweet home!"

  51. Kitty leaned heavily on Jasper's shoulder as they entered the twoleg nest.

  52. A twoleg kit came over to Jasper and Kitty."MOM!TIGRESS BROUGHT HOME FRIENDS!!!!"She yelled as a Female twoleg came down the stairs."Do they have collars?"The female asked."no."The kit said."We can keep them."She said and lead her kit upsairs to a small room.The female two leg came down with two beds and placed then in another room next to on that had Tigress' sent on it."here kitty, kitty."she called as Jasper helped kitty into the bed he smiled and got into his own.The female two leg looked at kitty."You must be having kittens!"she said and got out a big box with blankets covering it.she lead Kitty over to it and moved jasper's bed next to the box.

    Jasper smiled to Kitty."kit this is great."He meowed

  53. Kitty smiled to the twoleg, then Jasper. "Yeah. I hope they have food as good as this bed service!"

  54. The female twoleg walked back upstairs.She put some food next to the door way to another room(kitchen).Then she looked at the cats."you'll get your names tomarrow, when Piper's awake"she said

    Tigress smiled."So Kitty your having kits Kitty?"She meowed

    Jasper smiled and padded over to the food witch was a mix of wet and dry food."This food is good!"He meowed

  55. Kitty nodded as she slowly stood and padded over to the food. She bent down and ate some. "Not bad." She commented, and ate more.

  56. Tigress looked at them."this two;leg dosent take us to the cutter bu she dose bring us to the vet if we get hurt."She meowed.Then she looked at kitty."Kitty you should get some rest."She meowed

  57. Kitty nodded. "Alright." She padded back to her den and fell asleep quickly.

  58. Jasper looked at Tigress."thank you."he meowed and fell asleep.

    ~~~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~

  59. (yay next day :P)

    Kitty woke up to bright sunlight. She purred and stretched. Then she looked around for Jasper.

  60. Jasper was sitting on the two leg kits lap purring.

    Tigress looked at Kitty and smiled to her friend.

  61. Kitty smiled back and padded over to the food bowl. She ate her food and then almost jumped over to Jasper, when she saw how content he was. She sighed and went over to Tigress instead.

  62. Tigress smiled."Don't worry that kit always moves about now."she meowed as the kit picked Jasper up and put him on the floor then walked to his mother.He sat down and ate somthing while looking at a sreen.

    Jasper purred and walked over to Kitty."kit do you want to go back to Bluesun ever?"He asked a low purr still rumbed.

  63. Kitty shrugged. "I kind of like this." She admitted.

  64. Jasper nodded."me too."he meowed and stopped purring.He smiled and nuzzled Kitty.

    The female twoleg walked over to Tigress,Jasper and Kitty."Okay time for names.Piper!"She meowed and the kit rushed over."I want her name to be kitty!"Piper said and pointed to Kitty."And the boy to be Jasper!"she said and pointed to Jasper."Okay Piper can you get the carring cases?"she asked and Piper got the cases into the cage kitty,we have to go to the vet,"She said while Piper got Jasper into the cage.Tigress got into the third bag.

  65. Kitty's neck fur bristled and she whined. "Jasper, what's going on?"

  66. "Tigress said we're going to the vet to see if we are heathy."He meowed and came out of his cage and came over to kitty."It'll be alright."He meowed
