Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Greystar Returns

Greystar padded into the camp, his camp.
"Hi Greystar!" Spottedfur called.
Greystar nodded to her and leaped onto the Fog Tree. He let out a yowl. "I'm back!" he announced. "I'm glad to say that I've returned from my trip. It was successful, and I now have my nine lives!" He listened to the cheers happily.
A cat shot out of the bushes. It was Lazuli! Greystar yowled. "What are you doing here?"
"I want revenge!" Lazilu growled. "And I plan to get it!" She hissed, and a line of cats entered the clearing. "Attack!"

Many Announcements

"All cats able to see through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar yowled. "Today, we are gathered to make warriors. Sootpaw, Creampaw, Whitepaw, and Willowpaw, please step up." She ignored the annoyed hiss from Ivypaw.
"I, Cherrystar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the way of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turns." She looked down on the apprentices. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." The apprentices chanted.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. From this moment on, you shall be known as Sootpath, Creamsong, Whitedawn, and Willowheart.
"Also, some kits need to be made apprentices. Creekspirit's kits and Pearlmoon's kits, come up." She waited patiently. "From this moment on, until you receive your warrior names, you shall be known as Bramblepaw, Hiddenpaw, Bumblepaw, Pouncepaw, Coldpaw, and Freezepaw. Your mentors will be, in order, Acornclaw, Rowanleap, Victor, Hawkgaze, Nettlefrost, and Hollywing."
Cherrystar took in a deep breath. "Also, I have decided to retire." Gasps went up around the clearing, as well as yowls of protest. "I am NOT going to the elder's den!" She meowed suddenly, relaxing some cats. "Also, Riverpelt has decided that he's too old to be deputy anymore. He is retiring to the elders' den."
"Who's gonna be the new leader and deputy?" Flickerheart called curiously, then blushed and ducked her head.
"We have been thinking." Riverpelt meowed, standing up. "And we have decided that Greyfur will be our next leader! He-he-" Riverpelt waited for the noise to stop. "He can pick his own deputy."
Greyfur padded up to the front. "I am so glad to be your deputy." He meowed, still in shock.


Greyfur leaped onto the Fog Tree. "All cats able to see through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" He yowled. When the clan gathered, he said, "I have decided on a new deputy. Silverfang will be our deputy." Gasps and yowls of joy split the air. He was well liked. Greyfur noticed that Vixenheart yowled the loudest. "Also, tonight I will travel to the moonstone with Dersong. Silverfang, you are in charge."
Silverfang dipped his head. "I will try my best." He vowed.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Apprentice Assessments

"All cats able to get through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar yowled. "Today, Riverpelt informed me that all the apprentices could use some assessments. Creampaw, Sootpaw, Whitepaw, and Willowpaw, you will go out tomorrow morning. At sunhigh, which is when the first group will return, Ivypaw, Tinypaw, and Smallpaw will go. The next day, all apprentices must learn either two cat hunting or fighting against two other cats. That is all!"

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ten Moons Later...

Stillshine nuzzled Flamepelt as she headed to the nursery from the dirt place. Flamepelt purred. With a start, he ran to the fresh kill pile and picked up a finch. He brought it to the nursery, calling, "Stillshine!" through his prey-covered mouth.
Fog and Flower sat together, tails entwined. Kitty and Jasper sat next to each other as well, Kitty looking sadly into the forest and Jasper nuzzling her, trying to make her feel better.
Rose padded through the woods, her belly plump with kits. She looked around. Her mate, Colt was nowhere to be found. She hadn't seen him in moons! He didn't even know she was expecting his kits...
Colt raced through the forest. He could heard Lazuli hard on his paws. He shook his head and howled excitedly. He loved being an outlaw. Always running, never stopping, chasing, reaching, pelting forever.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

All Over

Riverpelt leaped onto the Fog Tree. "We have won the battle!" He announced. "Cherrystar, whom is indisposed, asked me to make some announcements. Stillpaw and Featherpaw, please come up here." He waited for the apprnetices to run up.
"I, Riverpelt, deputy of FogClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprnetices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turns.
"Stillpaw, Featherpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your lives?"
"I do." Featherpaw meowed quietly.
"I do!" Stillpaw repeated.
"Then by the the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. From this moment on, you shall be known as Stillshine and Featherglow." He touched the tops of their heads with his nose, and they licked his shoulder.
"Also, Pearlmoon's kits are old enough to become apprentices." Riverplet paused. "But Ivykit, because of you injury, Deersong doesn't want you to become an apprentice yet." He winced as he heard an agonizing wail form the medicine cat den. Also, Riverpelt noticed that Nettlepaw slumped in his seat. "I'm sorry." He sighed.
"Creamkit, Sootkit, Whitekit, and Willowkit, form this moment on, until you recieve your warrior names, you shall be known as Creampaw, Sootpaw, Whitepaw, and Willowpaw. Creampaw's mentor will be Blossomheart. Sootpaw's mentor will be Flickerheart. Whitepaw's mentor will be Woodblaze. And Willowpaw's mentor will be Quickflight."
"Finally, a rouge she-cat and he two kit would like to join." Riverplt turned to the she-cat. "Clover, from this moment on, you shall be known as Cloverheart. Your kits will be known as Tinykit and Smallkit. That is all!"
Suddenly there was a wail from the nursery. "Hawkgaze"! It was Creekspirit paniced voice. "Help me! My kits are coming!"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bluesun's Revenge

Cherrystar padded over to Smokeclaw in the gathering darkness. "Hello." She purred, touching noses.
Smokeclaw glanced down at Cherrystar's plump belly. "How are they going?"
"Good." Cherrystar replied, purring. "Yesterday, I-" She broke off as a yowl echoed through the night air. A tortoiseshell ball of fur leaped on her. A dark tabby next to the tortoiseshell lashed over Cherrystar's belly, a fatal wound that would most likely kill her kits. Smokeclaw wailed and threw himself in from of his dieing leader, pushing off the tortoiseshell. His eyes widened at the attacker.
"Yes, and I brought my new friends." Bluesun flicked her tail and a wave of cats pelted over the hill and raced at the camp. Bluesun yowled and threw herself at Cherrystar.
Cherrystar woke up, blinking around. Where am I? She thought. "Hello?"
"Welcome, dear one." A tortoiseshell she-cat padded out into the clearing, her fur sprinkled with stars. "I am your mother, Dapplesnow. You never knew me...I died giving birth to you."
"You died giving birth..." Cherrystar's eyes widened. "What about my kits, are they...?"
Dapplsnow looked down. "They all died."
"No!" Cherrystar collasped in pain. "Why?"
"They were not meant to live." Dapplesnow meowed softly. She faded away to leave blackness. "You will have more kits, and they will be the power and wealth of your clan."
"Mother?" Cherrystar called out.
"Goodbye, daughter..."
Cherrystar opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything. She was falling through space, twisting and turning, until...
Kitty sat in her box. The twolegs were away at the 'store.' Suddenly, her body convolsed. She gasped as she felt a sharp pang in her belly. "Jasper!" She panted. "My kits are coming!"

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Warriors and Apprentices

"All cats able to see through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar watched her clan gather. "First, some apprentices are ready to become warriors. Hollypaw, Flickerpaw, Vixenpaw, Acornpaw, and Woodpaw, please come up.
"I, Cherrystar, leader of FogClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turns. Do you all promise to uphold the warrior code, to defend and protect your Clan, even at the cost of your lives?"
"I do." Hollypaw breathed.
"I do!" Flickerpaw exclaimed.
"I do." Vixenpaw just stared up at Cherrystar.
"I do." Acornpaw's voice shook.
"I do." Woodpaw called out srongly.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. From this moment on, you shall be known as Hollywing. Flickerheart, Vixenpelt, Acornclaw, and Woodblaze." Cherrystar meowed loudly.
"Also, Blossomheart's kits must become apprentices." Cherrystar watched the kits tumble over to the tree. "Springkit, Swiftkit, Nettlekit, and Rowankit, form this moment on, until you recieve your warrior names, you shall be known as Springpaw, Swiftpaw, Nettlepaw, and Rowanpaw. Springpaw's mentor will be Skylight. Swiftpaw's mentor will be Roseflight. Victor will mentor Nettlepaw, and Smokeclaw will mentor Rowanpaw."
Cherrystar turned to Victor. "I know this is your kit, but do NOT go easy one him."
"Don't worry." Victor smiled. "I won't!"
"Metting dismissed!"

~~~~~~~At Bluesun's gang hideout~~~~~~~~~~
Bluesun looked at her gang."We need more fighters!"she hissed to Colt whom was now her proseder.She sat with his watching the rest of the gang.Lazuli was sitting with Sniper and kitty was sitting alone."Kitty, o find so kittypets to join."she hissed."Lazuli,Sniper search the entire area again."She meowed and sent them away.