Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ten Moons Later...

Stillshine nuzzled Flamepelt as she headed to the nursery from the dirt place. Flamepelt purred. With a start, he ran to the fresh kill pile and picked up a finch. He brought it to the nursery, calling, "Stillshine!" through his prey-covered mouth.
Fog and Flower sat together, tails entwined. Kitty and Jasper sat next to each other as well, Kitty looking sadly into the forest and Jasper nuzzling her, trying to make her feel better.
Rose padded through the woods, her belly plump with kits. She looked around. Her mate, Colt was nowhere to be found. She hadn't seen him in moons! He didn't even know she was expecting his kits...
Colt raced through the forest. He could heard Lazuli hard on his paws. He shook his head and howled excitedly. He loved being an outlaw. Always running, never stopping, chasing, reaching, pelting forever.


  1. Stillshine smiled."Thanks Flamepelt!"she meowed and sat down."I need some fresh air."She meowed

    Jasper smiled."Can you belive Fog already has and mate and Rose is exspeting kits."He mewoed

    Lazuli stopped."he's gotten away again!"She yelled."Never mind."she hissed and padded back

  2. Flamepelt nodded and licked his mate's ear.

    Rose spotted Colt and pelted after him.

    Colt ran right into the middle of FogClan camp. Rose bumped into him from behind. He gulped. He recognized this place.

    "Who are you?" Cherrystar asked, stepping into the middle of the camp. Her belly was swolen again; hopefully no rouge attacks would hurt her kits this time.

  3. Stillshine's eyes widen when Colt entered.

    Smokeclaw grolwed

  4. "I am Colt." Colt meowed. "This is Rose, my mate." he caught Stillshine's eyes, then looked away. "And...and I'd like to join your clan." He stepped forward. His fur was ripped off in places, and he was beaten and bruised. But he walked with confidence, and his eyes gleamed with the thrill of the forest. He looked like he was on top of the world.

    Rose pressed herself to Colt's flank. Her luscious orange pelt stood out beside Colt's dirty black one.

  5. Riverpelt snarled."Wernt you one of the rouges who joined us?"he said

    Stillshine shot a glare at Rose then looked down.

  6. Colt bristled. "I fight against them now." He growled. Then he extended a leg. "Do you see that scratch?" He asked, gesturing to the long gash down his thigh. "I got that from their new leader, Lazuli."

    Rose glared back at the she-cat defiantly. If she was planning to steal her mate, she would have to go through her first.

  7. Riverpelt snarled again."Leave."He hissed."a cut cant prove anthing."He meowed

    Stillshine looked at Colt.She sorta smiled

  8. Colt opened his mouth, but someone interrupted him.

    "Can't you see he has a mate expecting kits?" Pearlmoon padded over to her mate. "Be kind to them."

    "Yes," Cherrystar smiled to Pearlmoon. "We will let Colt and Rose join."

  9. Riverpelt nodded."fine."He meowed and stalked off.

    Stillshine smiled

  10. Cherrystar padded over to the cats. "Would you like new names?"

    "No." Colt meowed. "Thanks, but we like our names." He glanced at Rose, who nodded.

  11. Stillshine got up and padded over to Colt."hi."she said.

  12. "Hello." Colt meowed curtly. He noticed Flamepelt coming up next to her. "This must be your mate."

    "Yes." Flamepelt growled, glaring at Colt.

    Rose jumped, feeling something push at her belly.

    Colt looked at Rose. "What's wrong?"

    Rose looked up at her mate calmly. "My kits are coming."

  13. Sedgebreeze padded up to Rose with a stick in her jaws."Here."She said and handed in to her."colt can you get her to the nursery?"she asked.

  14. Colt nodded. "Easily." He let his mate lean on him, and led her to the nursery.

    Rose lay down on the moss and bit down on the stick. A orange tabby kit was born.

  15. Sedgebreeze then sooed Colt out."Okay get out."she meowed she bite the sac.

    Stillshine old Flamepelt to stay with their fresh kill and paded over to Colt."hi..."She meowed awkworly

  16. Colt rolled his eyes and padded out. "Hello." he said again, still curt.

    Rose closed her eyes as a black kit was born.

  17. " Rose is our mate...?"She meowed

    Sedgebreeze bite the sack and moved it over to Rose.

  18. "Yes." Colt meowed. "And the ginger tom is yours."

    Rose pushed and a orange tabby tom was born. Close behind was yet another orange tabby. She looked over her kits. Each of their pelts matched hers.

  19. Stillshine shrugged."Yes."she meowed."Remember when we met?"She asked

    Sedgebreeze smiled."One more."she said.

  20. Colt nodded. "You were looking out at the mountains." He meowed, remembering it perfectly.

    Rose wailed and a fourth kit was born. She sighed. "Can you get Colt in here?"

  21. Stillshine nodded."I was still an apprentice then."she meowed and sighed

    Sedgebreeze shook her head."You need to rest and so do those kits."

  22. Colt nodded.

    "But I wanted to name them." Rose meowed.

  23. Sedgebreeze shook her head."Later."she meowed and started out.

    Stillshine flicked her tail noticing how handosme Colt was.

  24. Rose frowned, but fell asleep quickly anyway.

    Colt looked up at the stars. "It's so pretty tonight." He commented.

  25. Stillshine nodded."Yeah."she saiod and layed down outside the warriors den.

  26. Colt sat down next to her. He almost let himself into her sweet scent and beautiful eyes. Almost. Then he pulled himself away.

    Flamepelt noticed Stillshine and Colt next to each other. He quickly padded over and sat between them. "Hey." He purred to his mate.

  27. Stillshine looked the other way."hi Flamepelt."She meowed.

  28. Flamepelt pressed himself to Stillshine, and glared at Colt.

    "I'll be going now." Colt meowed, standing up.

    (NEXT DAY)

    Colt entered the nursery. "Hello." he meowed to his mate.

    "Hi." Rose purred.

    "What shall we call them?" Colt asked.

  29. Stillshine sat down and looked up at the moutains.She sorta smiled as she rememeberd her and Colts metting.

  30. "I was thinking about Autumn for the first one." She meowed.

  31. Stillshine got a stabbing pain in her stomac.she held back a wail and started for the nursery.

  32. Flamepelt saw Stillshine. He raced for the medicine cat den. "Deersong!"

    "Yes?" Deersong padded out of the storage room.

    "Stillshine's having her kits!"

    "Alright." Deersong meowed. "Sedgebreeze is collecting herbs." She added as she padded over to Stillshine.

    Colt looked over at Stillshine, then turned back. "That's a very pretty name." He purred. "And how about Winter for that one?" he asked, flicking his tail to the orange kit with the ice blue eyes.

    "Spring for that one!" Rose suggested eagerly. "And-"

    "Summer for this one!" Colt finished, smiling.

  33. Stillshine held back another wail.She layed down in the nursery with her pelt bristling.She glanced at Colt the turned to Deersong.

  34. Deersong looked at Stillshine seriously. "Push right now!"

    Flamepelt paced outside the nursery.

    Colt sat beside his mate and kits. He licked each of his kits, and then groomed his mate, trying to ignore the wails of pain from the other side of the nursery.

  35. Stillshine orange spotted kitten sliped out.She got a glamis of kit before she had another wave of pain.

  36. "Now!" Deersong faced the cat with fierce intensity.

  37. Stillsine had a harded time this time.She hesaited.Thne pushed with little power.Only the head was out.She screamed

  38. Stillshine pushed.Then whole kit was now out.She sighed.The kit was ginger like her father.She go another bolt of pain.

  39. "One more." Deersong purred. "Push!"

  40. Stillshine pushed.A little brown kit came out.She smiled and looked at them.

  41. Deersong nodded. Then she gave Stillshine some borage. "Eat, then REST." She turned away.

  42. Stillshine hissed.She loojked to Flamepelt.She called him over with a flick of the tail.

  43. Flamepelt padded over. "Aren't you supossed to be resting?"

  44. Stillshine hissed."you think i'd listen to Deersong."She meowed."Lets name them."She meowed

  45. Flamepelt shook his head. "Tomorrow." He meowed.

  46. Stillshine rolled her eyes.She settled down and started to sleep.The warmth of the kits fluttered in her stomach.She purred as the kits suckled.

  47. (NEXT DAY)

    Flamepelt padded in with a juicy rabbit. "Caught it myself." he meowed proudly to his mate. He sat down. "Now we can name them."

  48. Stillshine smiled."I already thought of names for the grey oone and the ginger one."she meowed.She glanced at Colt before turning to Flamepelt.

  49. (OMG i meant "I already have names for all of them.")

  50. (kk)

    Flamepellt purred. "Go ahead." He meowed.

    Colt ignored Stillshine's stare and licked Rose's ear.

  51. Stillshine started:"Lilykit,Runningkit and Finchkit, after our Favorite prey."She meowed and licked the kits head.The spotted ginger kit was Lilykit, the pale ginger was Runningkit and the brown and white one was Finchkit

  52. "All amazing names." Flamepelt meowed, his eyes lighting up.

    Colt touched noses with Rose and exited. He picked a mouse and sat down to eat it.

  53. Stillshine smiled.She looked at Flamepelt and said:"You should get some rest, Colt told me you were awake all night."She meowed.

  54. Flamepelt bristled. "Oh, Colt told you?" he emphasised on 'Colt.' Then he flicked his tail angrily. "Fine." he stalked off into the warriors' den.

  55. Stillshine opened her mouth to reject but choose not too.She did like Colt, but not like that...or at least she thinks.She looked at the kits."Daddy will come back."Shje meowed dont worry."She meowed

  56. Colt padded back into the nursery to give Rose a piece of prey. "How about we take the kits outside?" He asked.

    Rose nodded. "Come on!" She smiled to her kits. "Winter, don't you dare bite Summer's tail! And Spring, stop messing up the bedding." She sighed and led the kits out. "Come over here. This is a good place to play and eat." She led the others to a small pond with grass growing all around and a tree blossoming with pink flowers above them.
