Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Many Announcements

"All cats able to see through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar yowled. "Today, we are gathered to make warriors. Sootpaw, Creampaw, Whitepaw, and Willowpaw, please step up." She ignored the annoyed hiss from Ivypaw.
"I, Cherrystar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the way of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turns." She looked down on the apprentices. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." The apprentices chanted.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. From this moment on, you shall be known as Sootpath, Creamsong, Whitedawn, and Willowheart.
"Also, some kits need to be made apprentices. Creekspirit's kits and Pearlmoon's kits, come up." She waited patiently. "From this moment on, until you receive your warrior names, you shall be known as Bramblepaw, Hiddenpaw, Bumblepaw, Pouncepaw, Coldpaw, and Freezepaw. Your mentors will be, in order, Acornclaw, Rowanleap, Victor, Hawkgaze, Nettlefrost, and Hollywing."
Cherrystar took in a deep breath. "Also, I have decided to retire." Gasps went up around the clearing, as well as yowls of protest. "I am NOT going to the elder's den!" She meowed suddenly, relaxing some cats. "Also, Riverpelt has decided that he's too old to be deputy anymore. He is retiring to the elders' den."
"Who's gonna be the new leader and deputy?" Flickerheart called curiously, then blushed and ducked her head.
"We have been thinking." Riverpelt meowed, standing up. "And we have decided that Greyfur will be our next leader! He-he-" Riverpelt waited for the noise to stop. "He can pick his own deputy."
Greyfur padded up to the front. "I am so glad to be your deputy." He meowed, still in shock.


Greyfur leaped onto the Fog Tree. "All cats able to see through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" He yowled. When the clan gathered, he said, "I have decided on a new deputy. Silverfang will be our deputy." Gasps and yowls of joy split the air. He was well liked. Greyfur noticed that Vixenheart yowled the loudest. "Also, tonight I will travel to the moonstone with Dersong. Silverfang, you are in charge."
Silverfang dipped his head. "I will try my best." He vowed.


  1. Deersong finished the traveling herbs and gave one to Greyfur. "Here." She ate one herself.

    Silverfang looked at Vixenheart. "I never thought..." He smiled.

    Bramblepaw looked around. He padded over to the other apprentices. "Hi."

    Hiddenpaw padded over to the others as well. "Hey." He meowed half heartedly.

    Coldpaw bounced up to his sister, whom he was very close with. "Finally!" He purred. "Apprentices!'

    Creamsong looked at Sootpath, excitement in her eyes.

    Willowheart padded over to Rowanleap. "Check me out!" She purred.

    Ivypaw growled and padded back to the apprentices' den.

  2. Greyfur nodded."Should i eat them now?"He asked

    Vixenheart shrugged "yeah."She meowed."Dose this mean i get less time to see you?"She meowed

    Bumblepaw nodded."This is umm..great?"He meowed.

    Poncepaw smirked."I'm going to be the best hunter in the clan!"He meowed and flicked his tail to Tinypaw.

    Freezepaw smiled."Yeah this is soo cool."She meowed."And i get Hollywing as a mentor!"She meowed

    Sootpath smirked."Creamsong."She said her sisters name.

    Rowanleap smiled."Yep!"He meowed."You wanna go hunting?"He meowed."As long as your brother allows it..."He rolled his eyes.

    Whitedawn hissed as he saw Willowheart and Rowanleap.He padded over to the fresh kill pile.

    Nettlefrost followed Ivypaw."Are you okay?"He asked

    Finchkit sat bordly.

    Stillshine sat next to Flamepelt and Finchkit.They were watching intently.She was looking at Colt.

  3. "Yes." Deerosng meowed.

    "No!" Silverfang meowed loudly. "No." He added softer.

    Smallpaw flashed a grin at Bumblepaw. "It's ok." She meowed. "We don't bite."

    Tinypw smiled. "I'm sure you will."

    Coldpaw nodded. "I get Nettlefrost! He's so awesome!"

    Willowheart bristled. "He can't boss me around anymore. I'm a warrior!"

    Hazelstorm followed Whitedawn's gaze. "Relax." She meowed to him. "She can handle herself."

    Ivypaw shrugged. "Fine." She growled.

    Coldpaw touched noses with his sister and padded over to Finchkit. "Don't be upset." He meowed. "You'll be next."

    Colt touched noses with Rose. He padded over to a corner of the clearing and groomed himself.

  4. Greyfur nodded and bite into them."They taste as bad as they did when I was an apprentice."He meowed

    Vixenpelt nodded softly."Okay."She meowed

    Bumblepaw stood up."You would be kicked out of the clan if you bite as hard as you say."He meowed

    Poncepaw winked."I know!"he meowed

    Rowanleap shrugged."Okay lets go."he meowed

    "You wouldn't know."He meowed.Then flicked his tail to Hollowmouse."Go talk to him Hazelstorm, haven't you seen him mooning over you for moons."He meowed

    "Doesn't seem like it."He meowed and sat next to her.

    Finchkit put her paw in the sandy dirt.(btw she has an Britten accent.)"It's not that Coldk-"She stopped herself from saying Coldkit."Coldpaw its my mother."She pointed to her mother whom was padding over to Colt.

    Stillshone sat next to Colt."hi."she meowed

  5. Deersong rolled her eyes and padded out of the camp.

    Silverfang purred and licked Vixenpelt's ear.

    Smallpaw smiled. "Well, you'd better watch out. When I'm a warrior, I'll be able to bite your tail right off!" She leaped at Bumblepaw, rolling him over.

    Tinypaw snorted. "Ok, ok, relax!"

    Willowheart smiled. She padded after Rowanleap out of camp.

    Hazelstorm's gaze fell to look at her paws. "I'm sorry." She meowed. She stood up, hurt flashing in her eyes. She padded to the warriors' den, her tail trailing on the ground.

    Ivypaw looked away. "I told you, I'm fine!"

    "What about her?" Coldpaw looked up, and saw Stillshine talking to Colt. He then turned his gaze to Flamepelt, and winced at the furious stare that the tom gave his mate. "I see." He meowed to Finchkit.

    Flamepelt lashed his tail and stalked into the warriors' den.

    Colt looked over at Stillshine. "Hello." he meowed. He turned away and continued grooming.

  6. Greyfur finished his herbs and padded out.

    Vixenpelt giggled.

    Bumblepaw tryed to kick her off."And I'll be bigger that you and bite Your tail off!"He meowed

    Poncepaw nodded."All right whatever you say Tinypaw."He meowed

    Rowanleap paced up."You comming?!"He meowed

    Whitedawn growled and looked at her.'she can't understand.'he mewoed to himself.

    Nettlefrost looked at his paws."Do you want me to go?"He meowed

    Finchkit nodded."See my parents hate eachother."She meowed."And I'm on my dads side."She meowed

    Stillshine sat awkwardly.

  7. "No!" Smallpaw meowed, leaping off. "Just because my name is Smallpaw, doesn't mean I am small!" She slipped under Bumblepaw as he ran at her and pushed up when she was right under him, throwing him off.

    Tnypaw glared at Pouncepaw before turning away.

    Wilowheart raced in front of Rowanleap. "Are YOU coming?"

    Ivypaw looked at her paws as well. "I just want some time to myself."

    Coldpaw nodded. "Don't worry. Me too. Besides, I don't know what Stillshine's playing at. COlt has a mate, for StarClan's sake!" he paused, blushing. "Sorry. I didn't mean to say anything bad about your parents..." He studied his paws to avoid Finchkit's gaze.

  8. "I wasn't saying that!"Bumblepaw meowed."I'm a tom!I'll naturally be bigger that you!"He meowed.

    Poncepaw looked at Tinypaw."Look at this."He meowed and showed her his hunting crouch."See!"He meowed

    "Of course!"He meowed.Rowanleap got in front of her.He opened his legs and caught her.He laughed as they rolled.

    Nettlefrost nodded."Okay, I'll be in the Warriors den if you want me!"he meowed before racing off.

    Finchkit shook her head."Whatever."She meowed."She barley even talks to me since the deaths of Runningkit and Lilykit."she meowed and looked up at her father."Can't Mum stop?"she meowed

    Stillshine looked at Colt."do you want to go hunting."She asked

  9. Smallpaw smiled. "I know."

    "Amazing..." Tinypaw meowed sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Stop showing off, POuncepaw, or you'll never make friends." She padded away to sit next to Rose's kits. She flicked her tail back and forth, letting them try to grab at it.

    Willowheart giggled as she ended up underneath Rowanleap. She licked his ear affectionately.

    Ivypaw sighed and looked at the wall.

    Coldpaw followed.

    Flamepelt shrugged. "Not much we can do." He sighed.

    "No." Colt stood and padded away.

  10. Bumblepaw growled."Whatever!"He meowed

    Poncepaw looked surprised.."Wh-..?"He meowed

    Rowanleap blushed.He smiled."Your brother won't mind will he?"He meowed

    Finchkit hung her head.

    Stillshine blinked and walked over to her kit and mate."Umm...hi."she meowed

  11. Willowheart rolled her eyes. "Who cares?" She meowed. "I love you, and that's all that matters."

    Coldpaw sighed. "It's ok." He meowed to Finchkit. Then he looked up and saw Stillshine. "I'll be going." He meowed, padding away.

    Flamepelt glared at Stillshine. "I see your back." he growled.

  12. Rowaleap smiled."And I love you."He meowed.

    Finchkit gave him a despite look.

    "I was only talking!"She growled.'here we go again..'she thought.

  13. Willowheart purred, letting herself relax.

    Coldpaw beckoned Finchkit to him. 'Don't get into that!' he mouthed.

    "Talking and asking to go on a private hunt with him!" Flamepelt growled.

  14. Rowanleap fell asleep.He purred.

    Finchkit nodded.She walked slowly over to Coldpaw."See."She said.

    "How would you know?!?"She hissed."It could have been with Spottedfur,Featherglow,or Hazelstorm for all you know!"She hissed.

  15. Coldpaw shrugged. "I can't do anything about it." He meowed.

    Flamepelt rolled his eyes. "So why didn't you go over to them after Colt, thankfully, said no?"

  16. Finchkit nodded."I know that."she meowed

    "I thought you would like to go!"She snarled.

  17. "Come on." Coldpaw led Finchkit over to Tinypaw and Rose's kits.

    "Hi Finchkit!" Autumn smiled.

    "Help us catch Tinypaw's tail!" Summer yowled.

    "It's a mouse!" Winter meowed, springing at Tinypaw's tail.

    "What?" Flamepelt bristled. "Why would I want to go with you?" He suddenly recoiled. "I thought you loved me." He meowed. "But now, I guess you were just using me to make you satisfied."

  18. Finchkit shook her head."No thank you."She meowed

    Stillshine gasped."Bu-but i do!"she meowed she was now panicking.

  19. "Aww, ok." Spring sighed.

    Coldpaw looked at Finchkit in shock. "Um, ok." He meowed. He sat down next to Tinypaw, flicking his tail around as well.

    Flamepelt shook his head. "I thought we were going to grow old together, and love each other until we join StarClan. I thought that in StarClan, we would walk together forever. But I guess it wasn't fate. I guess I was destined to be somewhere else."

  20. Finchkit curled in her nest.

    "But Flamepelt! You don't know that...i just made a mistake! I'm sorry.."she mewoed before sitting down with her eyes on her paws."I'm sorry."she whispered

  21. Flamepelt looked away. "If you can stop your emotions of Colt, then maybe we can be mates again. But for now, I'm no longer your mate." Hurt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say any more.
