Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

All Over

Riverpelt leaped onto the Fog Tree. "We have won the battle!" He announced. "Cherrystar, whom is indisposed, asked me to make some announcements. Stillpaw and Featherpaw, please come up here." He waited for the apprnetices to run up.
"I, Riverpelt, deputy of FogClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprnetices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turns.
"Stillpaw, Featherpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your lives?"
"I do." Featherpaw meowed quietly.
"I do!" Stillpaw repeated.
"Then by the the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. From this moment on, you shall be known as Stillshine and Featherglow." He touched the tops of their heads with his nose, and they licked his shoulder.
"Also, Pearlmoon's kits are old enough to become apprentices." Riverplet paused. "But Ivykit, because of you injury, Deersong doesn't want you to become an apprentice yet." He winced as he heard an agonizing wail form the medicine cat den. Also, Riverpelt noticed that Nettlepaw slumped in his seat. "I'm sorry." He sighed.
"Creamkit, Sootkit, Whitekit, and Willowkit, form this moment on, until you recieve your warrior names, you shall be known as Creampaw, Sootpaw, Whitepaw, and Willowpaw. Creampaw's mentor will be Blossomheart. Sootpaw's mentor will be Flickerheart. Whitepaw's mentor will be Woodblaze. And Willowpaw's mentor will be Quickflight."
"Finally, a rouge she-cat and he two kit would like to join." Riverplt turned to the she-cat. "Clover, from this moment on, you shall be known as Cloverheart. Your kits will be known as Tinykit and Smallkit. That is all!"
Suddenly there was a wail from the nursery. "Hawkgaze"! It was Creekspirit paniced voice. "Help me! My kits are coming!"


  1. Featherglow purred and stood tall.

    Flamepelt padded over to Stillshine. "Congrats." He meowed.

    Creampaw smiled.

    Willowpaw ran around excitedly.

    Ivykit, the cobwebs now off her face, glared at Deersong. "Why can't I be an apprentice?"

    Deersong sighed. "Because you need to rest. The activities you have to do as an apprentice would be to much. You could open the wound again."

    Hawkgaze pelted to the nursery. "Are you ok?" He asked.

  2. "No!"Creekspirit meowed and wailed again.

    Stillpaw smiled."Thanks."she meowed and blushed

    Vixenpelt smiled to Silverfang.

  3. Hawkgaze sighed. He grabbed a stick. "Bite on this."

    Deersong heard Creekspirit's wail. "I have to go!" She ran out of the den. "Nettlepaw, watch Ivykit for me!" She ran to the nursery. "Alright Creekspirit.!"

    Flamepelt looked at his paws, then looked up. "Want to share some prey?" He asked. "You look famished."

    Silverfang purred back and touched his nose to hers.Then he began to clean her wounds.

  4. Creekspirit hissed in pain and grabbed the stick.Then she pushed.A grey kit came out.

    Stillshine blushed."Sure."She said.

    Vixenpelt smiled."Do you want so help?"She asked

  5. Hawkgaze purred. "You're doing well." He whispered.

    "Alright, again!" Deersong meowed.

    Flamepelt padded over to the fresh kill pile and pulled out a finch. "Your favorite." He purred.

    I'm fine." Silverfang smiled. "Just sit down so I can do yours!"

  6. Creekspirit hissed.She pushed once more.This time a blakc tom came out.

    Stillshine smiled."How'd you know?"She asked and purred

    Vixenpelt smiled and sat down.Burrs where stuck all along her pelt.

    Weedflicker shot a look to Silverfang.

  7. Hawkgaze's eyes lit up. He bit the sac of the first and second kits.

    "Alright, almost done." Deersong pointed out. "Again!"

    Flamepelt blushed. "I just know."

    Silverfang rolled his eyes at Vixenpelt's messy fur. "What did you do, run through a thicket of brambles?" He asked as he started picking off the burrs and smoothing out his mate's fur.

  8. Creekspirit got a second to breath when a burst of pain came thought her.She screamed when another kit came out this on was ginger.

    Stillshine smiled.She bit the finch.

    "Well I was fighting some rouge at the side of came."she said and pointed to the side where a bunch of burrs where placed

  9. Hawkgaze flinched, but then looked up again.

    Flamepelt took a bite as well.

    SIlverfang purred. "We should really get those removed." he meowed, and continued picking off briars.

  10. Creeksprirt smiled.She then yelled when another kit came when she wasn't ready.She was now bleeding a lot.

    Stillshine looked up at Flamepelt."So.Do you like finch too?"She said

    Vixenpelt nodded.Then she noticed Weedflicker."Is Weedflicker okay?"She asked

  11. Deersong bit the sacs of the last kits and gave them to Hawkgaze. Then she turned to Sedgebreeze. "Get me cobwebs." She ordered.

    "Yes." Flamepelt smiled. "It's my favorite, too."

    Silverfang glanced at the she-cat. He shrugged. "I don't know."

  12. Sedgebreeze nodded.She raced to the den and grabbed alot."Here Deersong."She said and gave them over.She grabbed the kits and brought them to Cloverheart."Can you nursethem little ones for a momment?"She asked

    Stillshine smiled."Great."She said

    Vixenpelt frowned okay.

    Fog jumped on his sister."Got you loser!"He said rudly.

  13. Cloverheart nodded. "Alright." Se purred and let the kits suckle.

    Tiny looked at the kits. "So cute!!"

    Flamepelt smiled.

    Rose wailed. "Mommy!" She complained.

  14. Sedgebreeze ran back over to Deersong."Hows Creekspirit?"She asked

    Fog stuck out his touge."Kitten!"He yelled

  15. Deersong shook her head. She had patched up the she-cat, but she had gone unconscious. "She's in the paws of StarClan." She meowed.

    Hawkgaze lay down next to his mate, pressing his warm body to hers.

    Kitty stood up. "Fog, how many times do I have to tell you?"

    Rose wiggled out of her brother's grasp and ran to her parents.

  16. Sedgebreeze frowned.

    Fog smiled."More than you have."He meowed

  17. Kitty bristled, then relaxed. "I can't handle him any more." She growled to her mate and stalked over to her bed.

    Rose followed.

    Colt raced through the forest. He had never felt more free. He heard the yowls of the rouge group behind him, and sped up.

  18. Jasper folowed his mate and daugter.He looked back at Fog with a glare.

    Fog frowned He hung his head and when to his bed.He looked at his family's dbeds.Witch were on the other side of the room.

  19. Flower jumped onto the windowsill and knocked on the window. She looked down at Fog and smiled, waving her tail to get his attention.

  20. Fog jumped to to flower."Hi!"He said and smiled.He tryed to get the window open then frowned and tjurned away.Still sitting at the window.

  21. Flower smiled. She jumped down and peeked through the cat door. "This way, silly!"

  22. Fog looked around nerfuly."Mama says I'm not aloud outside yet Flower..."He said and looked at ghis paws.

  23. Flower lashed her tail. "But I'm your age and I can! It's not fair!"

  24. Fog rolled hios eyes"Tell My mama that."He said

  25. Flower laughed. "Sorry." Then her tail drooped. "My own momma is calling me. See you tomorrow!" She ran for the fence, jumping easily onto it (she has long legs) and going down on the other side.

    Colt raced through the woods. He leapt up a tree, straight into Lazuli's outstretched paws.

  26. Fog frowned.He turned arond to find Kitty standing over his with a mad face.

    Lazuli grabbed Colf and hissed."Trador!"She yowled and brought up a claw."you where suposed to be our leader!"She meowed and brought her claw closer to his neck."Any last words?"She hissed

  27. (i'm just gonna comment as colt now [plus the other rouges])

    Colt looked up at the she-cat. "Gotta go!" He flipped her legs up and raced down form the tree. He leapt over the other cats waiting for him at the bottom (he has long legs) and pelted away.

  28. Lazuli hissed and turned arond."Lets go."she said and walkedthe other way.

  29. Hawkgaze nuzzled Creekspirit as she finally woke up. "You have four beautiful kits." He meowed.

  30. Creekspirit looked at them."Toms?She-cats?or both?"she asked weirly.

  31. "All toms." Hawkgaze pointed to Cloverheart, who was feeding the kits. "What should we call them?"

  32. Creekspirit srugged."you tabby and black one i want to name the grey one and the ginger one..."She said."The..the grey one is Poncekit."She said

  33. Hawkgaze bent closer to his mate. "Please, don't talk too much." He whispered. "You'll hurt yourself. Just say the name." he looked over at the brown tabby. "I'll name him Bramblekit."

  34. "Bramblekit.."She repeated."..Bumblekit.."She said and layed her head down.

  35. Hawkgaze sighed. "Hidenkit." He meowed for the last one, before licking her ear and letting her fall asleep again.

  36. ~~~~~FEW DAYS LATER~~~~
    Creekspirit looked at Poncekit."Don't ponce on your brothers Poncekit."She scolded.

    Poncekit said his sorrys and went back over to his brothers

  37. Bramblekit raced around in circles.

    Hidenkit looked out at the camp. He was bored.

    Tinykit padded over to the others. "Hi!"

    Smallkit joined her sister.

    Ivykit was still stuck in the medicine cat den. She watched her siblings leave on their patrols and hissed. She lashed her tail and stalked back into the den.

  38. Bumblekit walked over to Bramblekit."Bramblekit...?"He meowed

    Poncekit looked at Tinykiy who was not tiny.And smallkit was not small."you two arnt smll or tiny.."he said

  39. "Yes?" Bramblekit stopped, looking a little dizzy but laughing.

    "So?" Tiny lashed her tail and stood tall. "We just have this kind of name. It doesn't MEAN that we're tiny and small."

  40. "Are you okay?"He asked.

    Poncekit sunck back."Sorry..."He said

  41. "I'm fine." Bramblekit smiled. "Just seeing how dizzy I can get."

    "It's fine." Smallkit meowed, pushing her sister playfully. "She gets a bit indignant sometimes."

    "Yeah, sorry." Tinykit looked at her paws.

  42. Bumblekit cocked his head."Why?"He asked

    Fog looked out of the cat door."still not aloud out.."He thought then ponced on Rose.

  43. "I don't know, I'm bored!" Bramblekit meowed.

    "These kits are getting way too crazy, let's let them out." Kitty meowed to her mate.

  44. Jasper flicned."Should we?I mean arb't they too young?"He meowed

  45. "They're driving me nuts, though, and I know they're driving you nuts as well!" Kitty pointed out.

  46. Jasper shugged."Okay."He meowed."But they should always be supervised"He said

  47. "Alright." Kitty turned to her kits. "Today, we are going outside!"

    "Yay!" Rose pushed her brother off her and started dancing around excitedly.

  48. Jasper looked at kitty."Im going to eat."He melowed

    Fog ran out after her.he when to the fence and tryed to hop up to see Flower

  49. "Ok." Kitty smiled and padded out after her kits.

    Flower heard scratching. She jumped over and saw Fog. "Hi!" She purred.

    Rose padded over to a tree and tried to climb it.

  50. "Kitty let me and Rose out!"He said and tryed to jump onto the fence again

  51. "Cool, where's Rose?" Flower peered over at the orange she-cat.

    Rose turned her gaze onto Flower. She surveyed the pretty tortoiseshell, then flicked her tail and padded over to them. "Hi." She meowed.

  52. Fog pushed Rose away."Go away Rose make some friends with bugs."He said and drew his lip back to a snarl."Leave us alone."he said

  53. Rose looked at her paws. "Ok..." She mumbled and padded toward a group of bushes.

    Flower was shocked but didn't say anything.

  54. Fog looked back at Flower."Sorry Rose can be a bother."he said

  55. Flower shrugged. "So, do you want to see my garden? Or explore yours?"

    Rose padded through the bushes and met the fence upruptly. She jumped back, then gave the fence a good sniff. She padded along the edge of it until she found a hole. She looked out the hole at a forest.

  56. Fog srugged."Sure but Kitty cant see."he meowed

  57. Flower gave him a look, but sighed. "Fine." She slipped through a hole at the bottom of the fence.

    Rose looked back at her family. Her brother, parents, everyone who loved her. But Fog didn't like her. She padded out into the open and headed for the forest. When she reached it, she padded over to a tree. She quickly climbed it and hid in a tree hole.

  58. Fog followed."Wow Flower you place is pretty."He said and smiled

  59. "Thanks." Flower smiled. She turned to the beautiful cherry tree in her yard. "I like to climb it." She meowed.

  60. Fog shivered."its so big..."he meowed

  61. "So?" Flower shrugged and leaped up the tree. "See? Easy!"

  62. Flower laughed. "Come on, try again!"
