Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bluesun's Revenge

Cherrystar padded over to Smokeclaw in the gathering darkness. "Hello." She purred, touching noses.
Smokeclaw glanced down at Cherrystar's plump belly. "How are they going?"
"Good." Cherrystar replied, purring. "Yesterday, I-" She broke off as a yowl echoed through the night air. A tortoiseshell ball of fur leaped on her. A dark tabby next to the tortoiseshell lashed over Cherrystar's belly, a fatal wound that would most likely kill her kits. Smokeclaw wailed and threw himself in from of his dieing leader, pushing off the tortoiseshell. His eyes widened at the attacker.
"Yes, and I brought my new friends." Bluesun flicked her tail and a wave of cats pelted over the hill and raced at the camp. Bluesun yowled and threw herself at Cherrystar.
Cherrystar woke up, blinking around. Where am I? She thought. "Hello?"
"Welcome, dear one." A tortoiseshell she-cat padded out into the clearing, her fur sprinkled with stars. "I am your mother, Dapplesnow. You never knew me...I died giving birth to you."
"You died giving birth..." Cherrystar's eyes widened. "What about my kits, are they...?"
Dapplsnow looked down. "They all died."
"No!" Cherrystar collasped in pain. "Why?"
"They were not meant to live." Dapplesnow meowed softly. She faded away to leave blackness. "You will have more kits, and they will be the power and wealth of your clan."
"Mother?" Cherrystar called out.
"Goodbye, daughter..."
Cherrystar opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything. She was falling through space, twisting and turning, until...
Kitty sat in her box. The twolegs were away at the 'store.' Suddenly, her body convolsed. She gasped as she felt a sharp pang in her belly. "Jasper!" She panted. "My kits are coming!"


  1. Cherrystar slowly woke up. Agony still gripped her like a hawk's claws.

    Roseflight growled and swiped at a rouge.

    Hawkgaze raced over to Creekspirit. "Please, go to the nursery."

    Hazelstorm raced over to the nursery to protect Pearlmoon and her kits.

    Spottedfur glanced at Stillpaw. "Ready?" She asked, then raced into battle.

    Quickflight padded into the nursery. She wanted to help comfort Pearlmoon's kits.

    Victor ran at a rouge, recognizing his fierce brother. He got locked in a battle, kicking and yowling.

    Hollywing fought beside Flickerheart.

    Woodblaze slashed at a rouge.

    Featherpaw looked at her mentor with big eyes. She raced into battle, her entire body shaking.

    Springpaw and Swiftpaw fought together, until the two got separated by Victor and his brother.

    Pearlmoon wrapped her kits close to her.

    Colt raced into battle, certain that this was the RIGHT thing. He wouldn't do it otherwise.

    Sniper leaped at Acornclaw.

    Clover jumped into battle. She was doing this for her kits!

  2. Bluesun laughed at the poor clan cats.

    Smokeclaw had dragged cherrystar into the medacine cat's den.His eyes where filled with tears as she woke up."Cherrystar" he yowled.

    Jasper looked at Kitty."Really?"he said and looked at her."I'll get Tigress."He said and ran to the she-cat."Tigress!Kit's having her kits!"He said."Tigress got up and went over to here.She grabbed a stick that Piper was playing with and gave it to Kitty."Okay Kitty you ready?"She said.

    Riverpelt was fighting Sniper.He slashed at his nose.

    Creeksprirt was in the nursery.Her kits where do soon so she stayed out of the battle.

    Greyfur was fighting with another rouge he turned around.

    Weedflicker was pinned down.She looked over he sholder and called for help only to see Vixenpelt and Silverfang.

    Skylight tryed her best to fight.She clawed al around her.

    Blossomheart clawed at as many rouges as she could.

    Vixenpelt was next to Silverclaw as she fought she kept looking at him.

    Stillpaw was stuck outside of camp.She was hunting when the battle started.

    Nettlepaw guarded the nursery."Our first battle and where stuck guarding the nursery.

    Rowanpaw nodded."Bummer."He said

    Sootpaw stood tall trying to not be scared.

    Whitekit had hisself guarding Willowkit.

    Hollowmouse was in the nursery.He mumbled curses as he paced.

    Lazuli lashed out at
    Spottedfur.She laughed.

    Moss Tryed to get Flickerheart in a corner where she could not exscape.

    Little fought with her sisters at her side.(you know cause bluesun said that kits have to fight)She clawed with her tiny claws at warriors and grabbed at their feet.

  3. Deersong turned around and gasped. "Great StarClan, is she ok?" She felt her leaders stomach and examined her. "She lost a life." She reported. "And all her kits died..."

    Kitty whimpered as her first kit came into the world.

    Sniper hissed and fought back fiercely.

    Silverfang looked over at Weedlficker. He glared and turned away from her. Then he pushed Vixenpelt aside as a rouge flew at her. It slashed his muzzle, and he hissed.

    Roseflight saw Weedflicker and batted the rouge away from her.

    Ivykit wailed as a rouge broke into the nursery and picked her up. "Nettlepaw!" She wailed. He was the first cat that popped into her head.

    Spottedfur growled and slashed back.

    Flickerheart backed up until she was stuck in a corner.

  4. Smokeclaw's eyes widen."The kits?Their dead?"He said

    Jasper smiled and started to lick the kit.

    Vixenpelt looked up.She hissed and rant to help Silverfang.

    Nettlepaw ran after the rouge."Let the kit out of this!"He yowled

    Stillpaw turned around as a bush russled."Who's there?"she yelled

  5. Deersong looked down at her paws. "Yes..."

    Kitty managed a purr, but then wailed as another kit entered the world. She panted and relaxed. She looked at her new kits.

    Siolverfang purred, thankful of Vixenpelt's help. Together they drove out the rouge. The two touched noses.

    Ivykit wailed again, only to be cut off as the rouge raked a claw deeply over her face and knocked her out.

    Colt leaped out of the bushes, but halted when he saw the pretty she-cat he had seen the other day. He gulped and took a step back.

  6. Jasper looiked at the kits.One was Ginger and brown and so was the other.

    Vixenpelt smiled.She douiged as another rouge started slashing at her.

    Neetlepaw jumped at the rouge.When it ran, he grabbed Ivykit by the scruff and raced her to the medacine cat's den.

    Stillpaw hissed."You again?"she meowed and steped back.He neck fur brisled

  7. "What should we name them?" Kitty asked.

    Silverfang smiled at Vixenpelt's skills. Then he bowled over another rouge, getting seperated from her.

    Deersong bristled again, but relaxed. Her eyes widened and she brought the kit over to a moss nest. She put cobwebs over the right side of her face and gave her a poppy seed. Then she padded over to Nettlepaw. "Will you sit by her?" She asked. "Make her feel safe."

    Colt looked at his paws. Then he looked up. "This is what is right. We need new territory."

    (can Stillpaw convince Colt that what he is doing isn't right, and so he changes sides?)

  8. Jasper looked at his kits."Well we have a tom and a she-cat.I'm naming the tom."He said

    Nettlepaw nodded.He wrapped his tail around her.

    Stillpaw hissed."What?Killing cats?You know this is all just for Bluesun because her old mate betrayed her?Right?She knows of great territory right on the other side of the river that Fog clan gave up."She meowed and stepped back."It's not right, it hurtful and wrong"

  9. Kitty purred. "Alright!" She looked down at the she-cat. "I'll name her Rose."

    Ivykit whimpered and snuggled closer to Nettlepaw. Soon she was asleep, her chest rising and falling slowly.

    "What?" Colt stepped forward. "I didn't know that..." He blushed. "She told me that you were evil, twisted, mean cats that drove her out for no good reason. She said she lost her claws because you all ripped them out of her fur..." He looked at his paws. Then he looked up, a fire in his eyes. "I'm going to kill her. Once and for all!" He lept into camp and raced at Bluesun. Swiping away the rouge that guarded her, he ripped at BLuesun's belly. He watched her fall, and his eyes gleamed. He yowled to get attention. He wanted EVERYONE, especially Stillpaw, to hear this. "This is Colt speaking. I just killed Bluesun! Now come get me!" He raced into the forest, the rouge group racing after.

    "Wait, did we just win?" Featherpaw asked into the silence. Then she let out a caterwaul. "We won!"

  10. Jasper nodded."This one is Fog."He said.and purred

    Nettlepaw rested besides her.

    Stillpaw smiled and nodded to Colt.She turned and started licking her wonds.

    Lazuli hissed to colt."Traidor!"She yelled.

  11. Kitty purred as well.

    Colt yowled happily. "I'm doing what's right!" He smiled and sped up.
