Info on Fogclan

Season~ Newleaf


FogClan Qualities~ FogClan cats have been able to see thought fog since the beginning of time. They have strong noses that can help them navigate thought the fog as well.

News~It's been almost two full season cycles since the last point in our story. Over the period of time, battles have been fought, lives lost but also lives brought into the world of FogClan.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Apprentice Assessments

"All cats able to get through mist, gather beneath the Fog Tree for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar yowled. "Today, Riverpelt informed me that all the apprentices could use some assessments. Creampaw, Sootpaw, Whitepaw, and Willowpaw, you will go out tomorrow morning. At sunhigh, which is when the first group will return, Ivypaw, Tinypaw, and Smallpaw will go. The next day, all apprentices must learn either two cat hunting or fighting against two other cats. That is all!"


  1. Sootpaw woke bright and early.She woke up Creampaw."Creampaw get up sister.We have our assessments."She meowed

    Whitepaw waited over Willowpaw for her to wake.He hissed when Rowanleap waked past.

    Rowanleap looked at Willowpaw and waited for her by the entrace of camp

    Blossomheart looked at Creampaw sharply.

    Skylight smiled to Ivypaw."Ar-are your re-ready?"she asked her apprentice

    Greyfur looked at Tinypaw and smiled."Tinypaw.Go eat."She meowed

    Riverpelt looked at all the apprentices."Their ready but some cant becaome warriors just yet."He meowed to Cherrystar

  2. Creampaw shook her pelt out and padded out of the den. "I'm so excited." She meowed. Then she padded over to Blossomheart. "I'm ready!"

    Willowpaw yawned and stretched. She touched noses with her brother. "Don't worry. Rowanleap is fine." She padded over to the big tom. "Hi." She meowed, blushing.

    "We're not going yet, are we?" Ivypaw asked, her eyes huge. "I thought we were going later!"

    Tinypaw noddded. "Ok. Thanks Greyfur!"

    "Of course." Cherrystar meowed. "Besides, none of them have learned two warrior hunts and fights."

    Woodblaze padded over to Whitepaw. "Ready?"

    Flickerheart padded ove rto her apprentice. "This way."

    Quickflight waited for Willowpaw.

  3. Blossomheart nodded."Come then."She meowed and padded over to the entrance.

    Whitepaw nodded."As ready as I'll ever be."He flicked his tail as a warning to Rowanleap.

    Skylight shook her head."N-no bu-but I ju-just wanted t-to make s-sure y-you were o-okay..."She meowed.

    Greyfur nodded sternly.The turned to Quickflight and smiled.

    "I do agrre but Sootpaw,Creampaw,Whitepaw and Willowpaw might be ready for there apprentice names."He meowed

    Rowanleap smiled to Willowpaw."Good luck, you'll do great."He meowed and licked her ear.

    Sootpaw nodded

  4. Creampaw bounced with excitement, then relaxed. "You can do this." She muttered to herself.

    "Good." Woodblaze padded over to Blossomheart. "Let's just wait for the others." he meowed.

    Ivypaw smiled. "Great StarClan, you're as nervous as me! Come on, let's eat!"

    Cherrystar nodded. "Once they've learned those steps, they can be warriors."

    Willowpaw smiled and licked Rowanleap's ear. Then she turned to her mentor. The two padded to the entrance.

    Flickerheart padded up to the rest. "Ready!" She meowed. She waited for Blossomheart to give the signal to go.

  5. Blossomheart nodded."Lets go."She meowed

    Runningkit slipped out of camp thought the dirt place.She ran as fast as she could.She saw the river and gasped.She ran to it and flicked her paw in it.She moved over to try to catch some minnow.She slipped in a muddy spot and fell in.She yelled and scream then was washed down by the current.She saw a light flicking at the bottom and tryed to get to it , hoping it would help her.She ran out of breath.She started drifting with the current.Then her body slid onto the shore.

    Lilykit looked at her playmates.She looked up at the clouds and smiled."Mama!I'm going up there one day!"She meowed.Then out of the willow tree a large hawk came swooping down.She screamed.Stillshine raced over but it was too late.Lilykit was taken up into the sky.She screamed as her mother did.She was out of distance when the hawk lost grip of her and droped her with a thud.She landed next to Runningkit.She could only feel her fore paw.She looked at Runningkit and placed her paw on her shoulder.But then she was washed over by black.She closed her eyes.

  6. Creampaw padded into the woods. She scented the air, then crouched down. She stalked toward a mouse. Suddenly, there was a bird call. The mouse ran into a hole. Creampaw cursed whoever had caught that bird.

    Willowpaw buried the robin she had just caught. She smiled and padded on. She scented the air, but nothing came to her in the area. She moved on.

    Creampaw finally caught a mouse. She buried it and padded toward the smell of rabbit.

    Ivypaw looked over at Nettlefrost. She didn't want to talk to him. He hadn't talked to her since he had become a warrior.

    Flamepelt raced after the bird. He saw it drop her. He ran to find her. There he saw two of his kits. Dead.

  7. Sootpaw raced after a small finch.She bite its neck and smiled.She buried it.

    Whitepaw jumped at a cardinal.He buried it an comtinused

    Nettlefrost waved to Ivypaw."Hi."He whispered.

    Stillshine ran after Flamepelt.Her eyes widen at the site of Runningkit and Lilykit.She nuzzled the kits.Lilykit!Runningkit!Wake up please!"She beggeed

  8. Creampaw followed the rabbit. She stalked it, carefully setting down each paw. Suddenly, she made a huge leap, sending her across the forest on top of the prey. She bit it quickly to kill it.

    Willowpaw stalked a squirrel. She accidnetally cracked a twig, sending the squirrel up a tree. She hissed and raced after it.

    Ivypaw turned away coldly.

    Flamepelt watched his mate sadly. "They're dead." He meowed simply.

  9. Whitepaw jumped at a little magpie.He missed it by a fox lengh.He hissed pitifully.

    Sootpaw chased after two voles.She got one in her paws but when she reached over to get the other one they both fled.She growled loudly.

    Nettlefrost looked confused."What....?"He meowed to himself then looked at Ivypaw.

    Stillshine turning in anger."Flamepelt you think i don't know that!"She meowed angerly and sadly.She turned to the kits.Tears were already filling her eyes.

  10. Woodblaze watched Whitepaw carefully.

    Flickerheart frowned. Sootpaw shouldn't have tried two at once.

    Quickflight looked up after Willowpaw.

    Willowpaw leaped up one more branch and grabbed the squirrel. She lightly jumped down to the ground.

    Creampaw looked around, scenting here and there.

    Flamepelt bristled. "Well then, don't expect sympathy from me!" He growled.

  11. Whitepaw turned around.Looking carefully for prey

    Sootpaw sniffed and saw a humming bird.Not often did the clan get one of those she stalked in carefully.

    Blossomheart nodded as Creampaw scented

    Stillshine tunred to him."I'm sorry."She whispered.

  12. Woodblaze padded out of the bushes to see Whitepaw catch another piece of prey. "Good job." He meowed. "Pick up your prey and we'll go back."

    Flickerheart watched intently.

    Creampaw spotted a vole. She padded forward slowly. Then she jumped onto it. She bit it and smiled.

    Flamepelt sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. You're just upset. Just remember, I'm upset too."

    Ivypaw felt Nettlefrost's gaze on her. She turned and padded over to him. "Hi." She meowed curtly.

  13. Whitepaw nodded."Okay."He ran around and grabbed his prey.

    Sootpaw jumped at the humming bird at almost got away but she grabbed it by the tail and then bit it.She purred

    Blossomheart came out."Creampaw lets get back now."She meowed and small purr rumbled.

    Stillshine nodded she grabbed Lilykit's body."You get Runningkit."She meowed and brought them to camp.

    Nettlefrost smiled."Hi."He meowed happily.

  14. Flickerheart padded out of the bushes. "Good. Get your stuff and we'll go back to camp."

    Creampaw smiled. She picked up all her prey and padded after her mentor.

    Flamepelt nodded and picked up Runningkit. He felt the life slowly draining from the kit's body as he padded back to camp.

    Ivypaw looked at her paws. "You haven't talked to me since you became a warrior."

  15. Sootpaw smiled and took her kill back to camp.

    Blossomheart nodded."Nice catches."she meowed

    Stillshine frowned when they go to camp.They got stares of horror.She placed Lilykits body in the center of camp.

    Nettlepaw frowned."I'm sorry.I've been busy."He meowed.He hung his head."I guess I lost a friendship right?"he meowed

  16. Flickerheart padded over to Cherrystar. "We're all done."

    "Good." Cherrystar meowed. "The second group of apprentices can go!" She called.

    Flamepelt lay Runningkit's body next to it.

    Ivypaw shook her head. "No. We're still friends."

  17. Nettlefrost smiled."I guess you have to go."He meowed.

    Greyfur looked at Tinypaw."go on."He meowed

    Riverpelt looked over at Smallpaw and nodded toward the entrace.

    Skylight looked at Ivypaw."Should we go or you know..shoul-should we wait...?"She meowed

  18. Ivypaw nodded. "Bye." She padded over to Skylight. "Let's go!" She raced into the bushes.

    Tinypaw smiled. "Ok!" She padded into the trees.

    Smallpaw nodded slowly. She padded confidently into the trees.

  19. Skylight watched Ivypaw carefully.She shouted when a stick touched her back.

    Greyfur watched Tinypaw."She's doing good."he whispered

    Riverpelt looked at Smallpaw waiting to she what she catches

  20. Ivypaw jumped and lossed her finch. She growled and flicked her tail. She moved on. Soon, she caught a squirrel.

    Tinypaw put her robin next to her mouse. She loved hunting.

    Smallpaw slowly stalked a vole. She leaped onto it and bit it's neck quickly.

  21. Skylight looked at Ivypaw."Sorry!"She called.

    Greyfur smiled and nodded

    Riverpelt flicked his tail.He thought'she can do better'

  22. Ivypaw nodded solemnly.


    Ivypaw padded through the forest cautiously. She had, in total, caught a squirrel, two mice, and a vole.

    Tinypaw had caught a robin, three mice, a squirrel, and a rabbit. (She's very good at hunting :P)

    Smallpaw had caught two voles, a squirrel, and a huge rabbit.

  23. Almost all the mentors were smiling, except Skylight.She looked scared.

    Nettlefrost touched noses with Ivypaw."Nice!"He meowed

  24. Ivypaw purred. She waved her tail in the air. "I'm so glad! I think I did well."

    Tinypaw placed her prey on the pile. She looked around, suddenly aware of all the cats staring at her prey in shock.

    Smallpaw touched noses with Tinypaw and padded over to the older apprentices. "Hi." She meowed.

  25. Nettlefrost smiled."Even with Skylight making every mistake a mentor could?"He whispered with a small laugh.

    Sootpaw looked at Smallpaw."Hi."She meowed

  26. Ivypaw glared at Nettlefrost for a second, then looked away guiltily. "It's her first apprentice. Give her a rest."

    "Hi." Smallpaw smiled.

    (NEXT DAY!!!)

    "Everyone up!" Cherrystar called into the apprentices' den, then the warriors' den.

    All of the apprentices (my apprentices) yawned, stretched, and got up.

    All the mentors (my mentors) got up quickly and exited.

  27. All the apprentices.(MINE)Got up and grommed there pelts then walked out.

    All the mentors(MINE)walked out.Skylight a little slower and nevily.
